Chapter 19: School

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This is my first day going back to school since my mum died and I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty nervous cause I don't want anyone finding out especially Riley cause that will just be another reason to bully me. But I know that my mum will be by my side through out the whole day. Max has been at the pub most nights and if he's not at the pub he is drunk on the sofa with beer bottles surrounding him. But the thing is me and my brother used to be really close but ever since mum has died he has been drunk hitting me and saying that it's my fault that mum died. But it's only been a couple smacks round the face so I just ignore it.  

I'm now on my way to school with Noah and I think he can tell I'm a little nervous cause he keeps trying to make me laugh. To be honest with you it's not working but I didn't want to upset him so I just faked laugh. However he knows me like the back of his hand so he caught on pretty quick but he didn't mention it because he knew that it would just upset me. Once we had reached the school I stopped and just stared at it. "Y/n it will be ok I promise I will stay by you the whole day and at least you will see Ruby. You haven't seen her in awhile." He said which made me feel better. And it was true I hadn't seen Ruby in ages. I took his hand an we both walked into the big building. 

                                                                                           At lunch

Me, Noah and Ruby were sitting at the table when I went to go to the toilet on my way there I got pulled into the janitor's closet. "Whose there?!" I said panicking. "Y/n it's me." I instantly recognized that voice. "James what do you want?" "I wanted to say sorry," I looked at him waiting for him to carry on. "Riley blackmailed me into being horrible to you or she would tell the whole school about how when I was younger my dad died." He said that last part quietly but loud enough for me to hear. Usually I wouldn't forgive someone that caused me that much pain but I know how it feels to loose a parent. "James I had no idea but thank you for telling me." I didn't know if I could trust him with telling him my secret about my mum but in the end I told him and he looked shocked. At that point I didn't need the toilet but I wanted to get back to the other's so I said bye to James and left.

On my way back to the table I bumped into Noah and he looked super worried I don't know why but then when he realized it was me he had a look on his face that looked like a thank god look. Before I could say anything he picked me up and hugged me tight. "Oh thank god your ok I thought you had died." I laughed and me and him walked back to the table. I decided not to tell him about James cause I didn't know what he would say.

A/n: by the way your brothers name is max im only telling you this cause hes gonna be in it more and he is 20 and noah is 16 and your 15 nearly 16

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