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"YOU'RE JASPER RIGHT?" that was the question Jasper grew to despise ever since his return. The questions. God the questions angered him but he kept a clear mind. Pushing the negative energy to the back of his head."Sorry, I just...im Romeo-we met some weeks ago." Romeo sincerely apologized, holding out his hand to Jasper who stared warily at him. Romeo pulled his hand back, muttering to himself quietly before taking a step from Jasper who breathes out.

"Yeah, "Jasper whispered before placing his hands into his jeans pocket."I am that Jasper."He muttered with a frown eating at his lips.

"Nice meeting you, that jasper."Romeo quipped before walking away from Jasper who smiled, amused by Romeo.

Walking into the grill some moments after gathering his thoughts, the first sight Jasper saw was Stefan who sat with his boyfriend, Mikhail. It seemed the two were on a little date. Walking towards the bar, Jasper fought the urge to scream out, feeling as though he was falling apart internally. The whispers and stares never helped.

"It's easy to block them out, "Romeos familiar voice rang through Jaspers ears. The Gilbert male looked at Romeo, raising his brows whilst allowing the soft breath to be released from his lungs."Tune in to some happy part of your brain or shut yourself out from the world."

Jasper closed his eyes, trying to find the happy part of his life. His world. What always made him smile and happy, what always made him fight. Bode. Jasper smiled at the thought of his son. The whispers he heard slowly drowned from his hearing preview, allowing him to smile in relief.

"You sound like you've done this before."Jasper played with his fingers, looking at Romeo who held his hand to order a drink. Anxiously tapping his nails on the counter, he analyzed Romeo, trying to find out who he was by his intensive stare. Hopefully not another Caiden. Jasper was not ready for that. He hoped this wasn't of self-interest to Romeo. Taking a step from Romeo, Jasper silently ordered his drink to go. Now he felt more uncomfortable being out in the open.

The whispers began entering his ears once again and that insecure feeling found its way back to Jasper."I have, "Romeo looks at Jasper who began to breathe heavily."hey, "Romeo stood up from the stool."Count down to one."He held up his hand as if asking for permission to comfort jasper.

Stefan who sat with his boyfriend noticed the discomfort, rushing to Jasper who he placed a hand on his shoulder, making Jasper freak out and release a fearful shriek. Mikhail pulled his boyfriend away from Jasper. The looks they now received became worse along with loud whispers.

Jasper began breathing heavily, feeling his chest close up and the air slowly leaves his lungs. As if he was being suffocated by Caiden once again. "Hey, "Romeo held out his palms to Jasper."Count down from ten to one. Go to a place that makes you happy."

Stefan and Mikhail stared at Romeo with raised brows and a protective instinct for Jasper who seemed somewhat calm around Romeo."Maybe you should leave, Mikhail and I are friend with his sister. We'll take him home." Stefan placed his hands on Romeo's shoulders, the Vermont male glared at Stefan.

"I'm trying to help, let me help him. Please."Romeo calmly told Stefan who nodded his head. Romeo turned his attention to Jasper who closed his eyes, listening to Romeo's instruction. Counting down from ten to one in his head. Going to the happy parts of his memory.

Jasper weakly wheezes out, placing his hands on his hips. The thumping of his heart slowly became steady to the inhuman hearing of Mikhail and Stefan who watched him with a calm mind."Deep breaths."Romeo instructed Jasper softly.

Jasper nodded his head, taking several deep slow breaths along the way. The calm mind began to piece into his brain once again."Than...thank you."Jasper weakly rasped out to Romeo who nodded his head.

"Mikhail and I will take you home, "Stefan softly told Jasper who nodded his head. He felt somewhat safe around Stefan who was familiar. He was his sister's friend, that somewhat reassured his troubled mind."Thanks for helping." Stefan gave Romeo a nod. The Vermont male nodded his head, watching with a solemn look on his face.


Mikhail and Stefan brought Jasper home, the Gilbert gave them a thankful look as they passed him off to his siblings. His son immediately hugging his father's legs in a freakout. What if his something happened? Bode's young mind worried for Jasper."Daddy, "Bode held his father's hand, leading Jasper to the stairs."Are you okay?"

Jasper nodded his head, giving his siblings a short smile as he trudged towards his bedroom."Yeah, I'm fine."Jasper sucked in a deep breath, walking to his bed. He laid under the covers, kicking off his shoes.

Jeremy and Elena beckoned Bode towards them, so their brother could rest up."I'm staying with daddy Bode sat on the bed next to his father who closed his eyes. Elena and Jeremy nodded their head.

"Then we will as well."The siblings murmured to their nephew who nodded his head. Jasper let out a sniffle.

"Can I be alone actually? Bode, please go downstairs with them."Jasper instructed, placing his hands over his head. His son frowned before he was lifted off the bed by Jeremy who tickled his stomach to cheer him up. Bode giggled, kicking his feet as they walked out of the bedroom.

Jasper breathed out, allowing a quiet whimper to elude his lips. I just want to die.

 I just want to die

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