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chapter one;an interesting start─────── • ❥ • ───────

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chapter one;
an interesting start
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Jeno wandered aimlessly through the Japanese airport with his suitcase in tow behind him and a brochure grasped firmly in his fingers. Thousands of people were packed inside just one building, and it brought the young adult a great deal of discomfort whenever he'd be faced with pushing past others. Young children with their sticky hands had bumped against his legs far too many times now, apologising as they'd been taught, but not with the mature sincerity that came with age.

None of that mattered, however. He was finally taking his college's exchange programme to Japan after months of signing papers, laying down deposits, planning schedules and working hard to earn enough money to do it at all. It had been the biggest endeavour of his life so far, and he wouldn't let ice-cream-covered fingers against his jeans drag that excitement down. He'd been studying the language and culture for two years.

"TTN...." he murmured gently while dragging his case up against a free wall and checking over the same bus company's brochure he'd been reading for three months, again. Nothing had changed since he examined it half an hour ago on the plane, but now that he needed to find the damn vehicle, it felt as though he was reading Greek.

Fortunately, his parents were very engaging and encouraging towards adventure and change. Traditions weren't really a thing in Jeno's household, and so everything was new all the time. Convincing them to let their twenty-three-year-old son who still lived at home go to a new country wasn't so difficult.

'Call regularly' they had said. 'We'll see you in a month.'

"God, where's the exit?" The male suddenly wondered worriedly as he looked up and down the bustling hallways, across the huge, neon signs hanging like banners above, and of course along the doors where instructions as well as advertisements were plastered on. The sight of another boy around his age racing towards the toilets captured his attention, but not for long.

"Ugh, are you kidding me?!" Donghyuck whined, standing in line with all the other impatient men as the queue for the toilets slowly moved on. "I have a bus to catch...."

The whole room reeked of something, but it could've been anything, really. Cheap soap, Linx body spray, crap. Anything. Hyuck refused to let it get him down though, since a long as hell plane flight from Korea to here hadn't broken his free spirit yet. A little queue meant nothing, and besides....the bus would wait. He was certain of it.

His suitcase was heavy and cumbersome in his grip, but he had no friend travelling with him to protect it while he came in here. Had it been a great idea to drop out of college to embark on a journey of self discovery? Probably not. And would realising his goal of finding a hot Japanese boy to date fix the mess he'd created in his life? Highly unlikely also....but Lee Donghyuck was a firm believer of 'you only live once', and by God would he make the most of this life. He'd been born good-looking, clever and charming, so there was no reason to waste his blessings.

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