Jason x Reader x Candypop

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Not my art! Requested by ladycipher666. Enjoy!

Sighing, you stretch as you stand. "This is kinda boring." You mumble, walking down the empty halls and descending the silent stairs towards the kitchen. "Why do I have to stay behind, alone tonight?" You growl to yourself, thoroughly irritated that Slender couldn't at least leave one of your darling boyfriends.

The thought of Jason and Candypop brings a wide smile to your lips and a giggle from your throat. They're both so beautiful and perfect. When you first joined they were bitter rivals, playing tug-of-war with you all days of the week. Eventually, you left on a 'business' trip and came back to the best idea of your entire life. Jason had finally proposed a poly relationship to Candypop with you.

The memory of when you'd returned makes you blush and giggle again, pushing open the kitchen doors. You freeze when you see Candypop laying across the counter, a lollipop in hand. When he looks up at you, he drags his long tongue across it's surface.

"You're here! I was wondering when you'd come." He smiles as he slides off the counter, his treat disappearing in a swooshing cloud of black smoke.

You grin wide and leap into his arms. "Oh Candy! I was so lonely without you!" You squeak, burying your face in his stomach. He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tight to him.

"Oh, I'm hurt doll. No sugar for me?" The velvety voice of your other beloved has you drawing from Candy's grip in the blink of an eye.

Leaning on the counter next to the door is Jason, smirking with his shaggy red hair and flattering vest. You squeal and throw yourself at him as well, much happier to be in the arms of these two now.

Candypop joins you at Jason's side, pressing himself to you. "Love? We want to ask you something." He murmurs in your ear.

You look up at the two, worried until they give you reassuring smiles. You nod, being lifted onto the counter so your at their eye-level.

"We got our kills done as quickly as possible. We couldn't miss this opportunity of the mansion being so empty." Jason brushes a strand of your hair out of your face.

"Empty? What do you mean?" You can feel your checks heating as some inkling of an idea forms in your core.

"We want to love you, and we want you to be ours. Both of ours." Candypop kisses your cheek sweetly as he breathes his last word. "Forever."

You bite your tongue to stop the whimper bubbling in your throat, your legs clenching together. "We'll be careful and slow." Jason assures, his blackened claw tracing its way up your leg. "Are you ok with this?" He coos, looking at you for consent.

You hesitate, only to nod when you realize how hot they're making you. They grin, Candy pulling you to his chest while Jason presses to your back. A soft crack and the softness of your bed tells you you're in your bedroom. The bathroom door is shut and the light is on.

You swallow, gather your courage and quickly take the chance of privacy to strip and dawn red and purple lingerie with a white, lace robe draping over you. You scramble onto the bed and sit as innocently as possible just as the door opens. Standing there, leaning on one another, are the loves of your existence. Comepletely nude.

Jason stands just in front of Candy with Candy's arm draped around his shoulders. They freeze when they see you, making you flush. You're forced to look away, wondering if you did something wrong.

"Do... do you not like it?" You whimper.

Jason is the first to cross the room, taking your face gently in his hands and kissing you as if you were made of glass. "You amaze us more with each passing day." Candy coos, his hand wrapping around and stroking up your navel.

Candy kisses your neck, his lips soft as he starts trailing down to your shoulder. Jason pulls you closer to him as he deepens the kiss, his tongue swiping over your bottom lip. You let him in, eager to have them. Candy gets on the bed behind you while Jason pushes you back into him, sitting on his lap. You can already feel him half-hard against your ass, making your shiver and moan.

Jason chuckles as one of his hands curls into your hair, the other squeezing your thigh roughly. He licks down your neck and back up, stopping just under your jaw to lick a spot fast and roughly that makes you shiver. Candy's hand has curled around your waist, down your navel to your clit and started rubbing circles around it, slowly.

The teasing, the touch, drives you crazy as you sit there, waiting to be devoured by these two inhumane beings, trapped between there already flushed and heated bodies. Candy's dick is twitching excitedly against your ass, and you can feel Jason's against your thigh.

You grind back against Candy and grab Jason by the base, making both of their breath's hitch. Jason growls and bites your neck, making you moan. Candy's free hand slips down and carefully adjusts his dick to be twitching up against your sopping wet panties. A flick of the purple clowns finger and they're nothing but atoms, his swollen, twitching penis pressing into your dripping pussy.

Jason surges forward and suddenly your straddling him, both his and Candy's legs so intertwined that they're dicks are brushing against each other beneath you. You squeak in surprise before moaning when they growl, starting to bite and lick you wherever they can reach. You grins into them, soaking them in your slimy juices.

You can feel your heartbeat in your sopping tunnel, pressing in more desperately to be filled with them. They lift you up, position their dicks and before you fully realize their plans they slam you down onto both of them at once. You claw into Jason's shoulders, drawing blood while you try to contain the scream of both exhilaration and pain that has been driven into you like a rail spike.

Neither of them move, not even a twitch, until your done panting, the tears stop, the pain isn't so insistent. Jason kisses away your tears while Candy licks away his blood.

"Sorry, doll, but you were driving us crazy with how you were moving. Are you alright?" He coos, gripping your thighs tightly as he struggles to keep his dick from busting you wide open.

You nod, shifting your hips experimentally. It still hurts, but it's bearable. You lift your hips a little bit and let yourself fall, immediately the two men moan and your refused to a desperate, whimpering mess. You do it again and again, rising and falling on their combined dicks until there's nothing but the sound of your screaming mason, the slapping wet skin and their grunts to keep together underneath you.

They bite, lick and kiss you black and blue, pull your hair and claw your thighs and ass and tits until you're covered in red welts.

The pleasure is borderline torture, your voice not being able to express what the fuck they are doing to your body. Your ass is starting to clench as everything inside you is pulled and tugged and knotted into a tight ball in your pussy. You're told to hold it, and hold it you do until you're slamming onto them so fast your thoughts are bound to be bruised. Jason digs his teeth into your shoulder, Candy's claws into your navel and thigh as their hot, steaming seed flood you and you juices baste their laps, bursting back out of you around their cocks and onto the sheets.

You're all slick and shiny with sweat, panting, groaning and moaning as the twitching aftershocks of climax hit you wave after wave.

Jason has to lift you up as they go limp, candy leaning down and licking your left thigh clean while Jason does your right. They come up with slickened lips they lick clean before pulling over new covers and nearly smothering you around them.

"You we're so good baby." Candy coos, holding you tight to his chest.

"Better then any dream or toy." Jason add as he pushed himself to you until your in a Candy-Jason sandwich

All you manage is a whimper as you shiver with ecstasy, sleep curling it's dark hands around you and dragging you into unconsciousness.

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