Tomorrow will be a better day

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        Fire. Burning. Smoke. Help!

        A young girl woke up gasping for breath. She looked around the dark room, sweet dripped down her skin. 

        "Another nightmare..?" She heard a small, sleepy whisper from a 4 year old on the other isde of the room.

        "Y-yeah, sorry if I woke you." The other girl, a five year old, whispered back. She heard some rustling then felt the bed shift slightly.

        "Nah, it's fine. I was kind of already awake." A girl with light brown hair, brown eyes, said as she sat down. The other girl, a dishwater blonde with green eyes, furrowed her brow.

                "Already awake?" She asked, concerned. She couldn't see the other girl, but she could imagine her shrugging. There wasn't a wondow in their room, it was almost pitch black.

        " was yelling at someone eairler.." She replied. 

        "Oh....." The blonde said; silence enguled them.

        "Ash..... How long do we have to be here..?" The girl, Ash, heard the younger girl asked in a quite, defeted voice. Ash sighed.

        "I..I'm not sure Clarice..." Ash said then moved so she could hug Clarice. She wished she could make their pain go away, physically and emotionally. Ash remembered a time when they were happy, but it was a long time ago. Their mother had died in a fire when they were little. Now they lived with their father. Well it was Ash's father, laricce was adopted.

        "I'm tired." She heard the younger of the two yawn out. Ash sighed and lied them both down.

        "C'mon then, let's get some sleep. Hopefully tomorrow with be a batter day." 


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