5. dammit

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none of the art is mine!

*45 minutes later*

Everyone is worried for Hinata

Especially Kageyama

He's sitting on the bench with his arms on his legs and he's foot tapping

Tsuki who is standing notices

"damn , is he really that worried?" thinks tsuki

[Asahi , and Daichi carried Hinata to the nursery and the practice match ended]

The room is filled with bad emotions

"Hey, I bet everything's going to be okay!" Says Suga trying to cheer everyone up

"yeah!" adds Enoshita

after a few minutes the gym door opens

Kageyama stands up and looks at the entrance

It was Asahi and Daichi

it was silent

"Hinata's fine, he just has a fever" says Daichi

Kageyama is relived hearing the news and puts his hand over his chest as he lets out a sigh of relief

"actually hinata's mom was called and she informed us that Hinata had a high temperature in the morning and told Hinata not to go to school , but of course he insisted"
says Daichi

"so when is he coming back?" Asks noya

"Its not a bad fever , so he should be back by tommarow" replies Daichi

"Anyways, its time to go"

*The next day*

Kageyama starts heading towards the gym but before he does he goes to the vending machine to get a carton of milk

He clicks the button for his favorite one

it drops down and Kageyama grabs it

With his other hand he grabs the straw and sticks it in the hole

he turns around and looks up at the sky as he drinks hia milk

he sees the beautiful blue sky and the shining sun with the clouds and the birds that pass by

he looks back down and sees Hinata

Hinata doesnt seem to notice him yet

he throws his milk away

"oi, boke" says Kageyama

hinata turns around and they're eyes meet

kageyama's dark eyes and Hinata's orange eyes

Kageyama walks to hinata

Hinata shuts his eyes and put his arms on his face defending himself

Kageyama grabs hinata's wrists

"dammit, dont worry me like that again , dumbass" says Kageyama

hinata opens his eyes and sees an embarrased Kageyama

Hinata's in shock

Sure they've kissed but seeing this new side of Kageyama was new to Hinata

"uh , s-sorry i wont"

replies Hinata as he smiles

kageyama's heart starts racing again

"c'mon lets go to the gym" Says Hinata as his holds Kageyama's hand

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