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After the narration of Sri Ganesh's birth story brothers suggested to go to garden.

"No, I can't take more rounds," At mention of garden Rohini denied as it reminded her about the morning walk.

"Don't worry, Mata. For that purpose we are not asking you to go to garden," Kanha assured making her sigh in relief.

"Then why do you want me to go there?" She asked glancing both of them.

"More than express pleasure feels nice when we access it," Dau stood up, and initiated her getting down from bed carefully.

The trios went to garden. In garden brothers made Rohini sit on a swing, and started swinging.

"Now why is this?" She asked though she was enjoying.

"Maiya, we want to relive the happiest days of our lives, to present it's essence to our ladli. Those happiness belong to her also," Dau scolded himself after uttering the last sentence. But it was late.

"Those happiness belong to her too! But how?" The obvious question of Rohini made brothers chuckle to divert her attention from their nervousness.

They couldn't haven't told that their sister who's none other than Yogmaya is an inseparable part of flow of time, and of each feeling which flourishes along with time. Both were in dilemma what should they answer.

"We want our ladli to feel every essence of love. So that it could construct the base of her life source," Kanha replied taking short pause in between of utterance.

"On the top of that we siblings are one. Whatever belongs to us belongs her too equally," Dau completed the explanation making her smile.

"I must say she is going to get the best upbringing," Brothers' words made her confirm about the bright future of her unborn.

"Yes, We will build up our ladli's personality in such a way that she will be a role model for everyone, forever!" Dau told proudly imagining the future.

"Mata, let's go. It's time for evening prayer," Kanha reminded causing their departure from there.

They reached at the temple of palace

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They reached at the temple of palace. Rohini came forward to sing the prayer. Then she started to sing the prayer which was both caring and consoling for her during the toughest phrase of her life.

Being a single parent wasn't easy at all. But she had accepted that for keeping her child secure from the clutches of Kansa who had imprisoned his husband and sister already. Neither concern for both of them never had lessened nor the chaos of worries in her.

But still she never had cried crashing the hopes inside her. She had valued the happiness of that time, nurturing her son with all possible goodness. At that time Yashoda's devotional prayer during evening had strengthened her to stand on her own, for her own.

Yashoda used to sing prayer in evening as morning was meant for her to chant Kanha's name, and to convince him to wake up. So evening was only time for her to sing with solace.

The conversation in garden before sometimes had influenced Rohini to add more in the essence of love as described by Kanha and dau. The mention of love always takes back Rohini to Vrindavan. Dearness amidst dangerous situation is the pristine love, and Vrindavan defines that perfectly for Rohini.

"Jiji, lyrics of prayer is too beautiful," Devaki complimented with a smile.

"Yashoda used to sing this," Rohini told the reality making everyone silence.

Kanha and dau were silent reliving the fact which was past. Vasudev and Devaki were silent thinking and thanking Yashoda's selflessness and sacrifice.

"Our days in Vrindavan were the happiest ones. So we should always cherish those rather than allowing silence to capture their worth," Rohini told again making everyone smile.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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