Family Time

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Zabdiel's POV
We were still at Litzy's old house with Joel's family Patricia, Elena and Litzy were talking Joel, Israel, Emanuel and I were playing video games I pulled out my phone and checked the time it was almost 9pm I put my phone away than I looked around for Christian and didn't see him

Zabdiel:Did you see where Christian went

Joel:No sorry bro

Litzy:What's wrong Zabdiel

Zabdiel:Did you see where Christian went

Patricia:He's with Gabriel in his room

Zabdiel:I'll go get him because its time for us to head back home


I made my way upstairs and saw a door opened so I made my way their and I saw Gabriel and Christian watching a movie I walked in and Christian saw me

Zabdiel:Christian time for us to go home

Christian:Ok papa

Zabdiel:Come here

I got to the edge of the bed and pick him up

Gabriel:Bye Christian

Christian:Bye Gabo

Zabdiel:Thanks for having him Gabriel I'll see you soon

I left Gabriel's room and made my way downstairs and told the others we were leaving

Emanuel:Joel why don't you stay over tonight

Israel:You mean him and Elena could stay over tonight

Joel:I'm not sure

Elena:Come on its only for tonight we will leave in the morning

Joel:Fine but only for today

Zabdiel:I guess we will see you guys tomorrow


Litzy:Well lets get going because its pass Christian bed time

Zabdiel:Your right bye guys

We said bye to everyone and we left the house and we got in the car I handed Christian to Litzy and I drove back to the house, once I parked the car we got off and made our way to Lunay's house I knock and Jeimax opened the door

Litzy:Hey is Lunay and Sophia still awake

Jeimax:Yes their in he's room why

Zabdiel:We came to drop off Christian

Litzy handed Christian to Jeimax

Jeimax:Thanks don't worry I'll take him to bed

Zabdiel:Alright thanks and tell Lunay he already ate

Litzy and I left Lunay's house and made our way to the house once we got there I guess the others must be in their rooms by now since the lights were off Litzy and I made our way to my room and we got ready for bed than we layed down and watched a movie.

Lunay's POV
Sophia and I were laying down she was on her phone and I have my head on her belly and like every night I talked to her

Lunay:My little princess I can't wait to hold you and have you in my arms

Sophia:Lu you better treat her and Christian the same I don't want you to treat them different you heard me

Lunay:What makes you think I would treat them different

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