Chapter 1

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1 | The proposal

"Y/N, you're doing it again." Harry mentions.

"Oh- uh- sorry, I just can't help it." You say.

"You do this everyday." He complains. "You're always drooling over Malfoy."

"Oh come on, I'm not drooling." You assured, rolling your eyes. Although it was partly true. You always fond over Draco, staring at him from the Gryffindor table. You just can't help it, you've fallen for him.

"Why don't you just go ask him out or something?" Harry suggests with a bit of an annoyed tone.

"I can't just walk up to him and ask him out." You disclose. "But I could.. make him jealous.." you say with a mischievous expression on your face.

"I mean.. we could date.." He suggests.

"Huh?" You question him.

"I mean- like fake date.. to make Malfoy jealous." He implies.

"But Harry.." you say, "you're my best friend."

"Exactly, that's why it's genius!" He explains. "Since we're best friends, it won't be awkward."

"Erm.. well I guess we could give it a go." You decide. "When do we start?"
Harry looks at you with a fond look in his eyes.

"Right now." He says while he puts his hand on your face, pulling you into a kiss and your lips collide. He moves his thumb in small circles on your jawline, which comforts you. After a few seconds your lips separate from each other and you're left staring into each other's eyes, then you snap back to reality and look over at Draco, who seems quite effected by it. He has a really cold expression on his face as he glances at you both.

"It's working!" You look at Harry. "Thanks, Harry you're a great friend." You exclaim, while hugging him and skip off into the hallways. "Right." Harry looks at his food, gloomily, "friend." He mutters.

You think about how you soon might get the boy you've always wanted, the boy you've been fond of ever since 2nd year. You skip into your dormitory and fall onto your bed with a sigh of happiness.

"What's with you?" Hermione chuckles. She's sitting on her bed reading a book, you hadn't noticed she was there.

"Oh- uh." You start. "Nothing."

"Alright, alright, who's the boy?" She questions.

"The bo-?" You say surprised. "H-how'd you know?"

"Oh come on, I know that sigh when I hear one." Hermione giggled. "Now tell me about him."

"Oh alright." You give in. "The boy is Dra-" You stop and remember what you've just agreed to. A fake relationship. "..Harry. The boy is Harry." You assure her.

"Oh, Y/N, that's brilliant!" She exclaims. "I knew you two had chemistry." She says smiling.

"Yep.. chemistry.." You laugh awkwardly. "Welp, better get some sleep." You mention while tucking into the covers and closing your eyes as you drift of to sleep.

The light from the sun peeks through the blinds and shines into your dormitory, waking you up an hour early. You yawn and wipe your eyes. You would go back to sleep but you aren't tired, so you put on your school uniform, leave the Gryffindor common room, and head to the library to catch up on some studies. You search the shelves and find a book titled "a guide to potions." You grab it because you weren't doing particularly well in potions class, so you figured it'd be helpful. Then you take a seat at a desk.

"So uh.. you and Harry eh?" You hear a familiar voice say from behind you. You turn around to see Malfoy sitting at a desk parallel to you.

"I uh-" you start, stunned by his presence, you didn't expect him to be here. "Yes, him and I are dating." You reply confidently.

"Hm." Draco scoffs, then he shuts his book, stands up, places it on the table and walks away. You can hear his footsteps click on the floor as you grin to yourself. It was all going according to plan.

After a bit of reading, it was almost time for class so you leave the library and start heading to potions class.
When you enter then classroom, you have a seat next to Harry, your "boyfriend."

"So, Harry." You start but he takes you by surprise by replying with. "Yes, love?" Then you hear someone scoff from behind you. You turn around to find Draco sitting at the table behind you with his arms crossed, looking toward the front of the classroom as Snape walks in. All the students quiet down as Snape starts going on about an assignment. "You will do this assignment in groups of four.." The professor mentions, then he starts to list off the groups. "Granger, Longbottom, Goyle, and Parkinson..." He continues.

"Potter, Y/L/N, Malfoy, and Zabini."

Authors note: this is my first time writing an xreader please give me some feedback haha. Also, I hope you enjoyed it! I'll update write the next chapter soon!

Idea credit: @hp.nat on tiktok! Go follow her! She was the inspiration to write this.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now