Chapter 17

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17| Yikes...

"So now you want to talk to me?" You say after Harry takes you into the hallway to talk. You had been tired of him avoiding you all week.

"Yeah." Harry replied. "I'm ready to hear what you have to say now."

You sigh and have a seat on a bench. Harry has a seat next to you and you both stay silent for a moment until you finally speak up. "Yes, i did kiss draco-"

"Well obviously." He says bitterly cutting you off.

"But..." you continue. "it wasn't my fault."

Harry's looks confused and upset as you talk. "What do you mean it wasn't your fault, Y/N? Did you accidentally trip and your lips touched?" He says in disbelief.

"No, Harry." you say to him as you look him in the eyes. "Draco had put a love potion on me."

Harry reads your face as he thinks for a moment then he stands up. "Seriously Y/N? You expect me to believe that?!"

"It's true, Harry!" You say to him but he still seems to not believe you.

"I know how much you liked him,
Y/N." He says in an upset tone. "I just can't believe how stupid I was to believe you actually liked me."

"I did Harry!" you snap back, you can't believe he would say that. After all the time and love you put into the relationship. "And i still do."

"Obviously not." He says in a frustrated tone. "I saw you in potions class with Draco today."

"That was nothing, Harry." you reply. "All we did was work on a potion together."

"No, Y/N." Harry explains. "I saw the smiles on your faces."

"So i'm not allowed to smile with other people now?!" You ask.

"That's not the point, Y/N." Harry continues explaining. "Why would you be all smiley like that with the guy who put a love potion on you?"

"I-" He truly put you at a lost for words on that one.

"Exactly." He says before walking off.

"Harry wait!" You call our but he just continues to walk into the dining hall.
You didn't know what to say to him anymore. All of your emotions and feelings have been swirling around and you don't know what to do or feel anymore. It's all just so confusing at the moment.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Ginny asks as she walks toward you.

"uh yeah," You lie, you didn't really feel like explaining. "Why?"

"Well you missed my quidditch game." She spoke.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Ginny." you spoke, you had been so caught up in your emotions lately that you had completely forgot.

"it's alright, Y/N." She says, "You can come to the next one if you'd like."

"Sure." You say.

"Well i'll see you there then." Ginny speaks before walking away. Then you walk back into the dining hall. You have a seat back down and look around the room. You catch eyes with Draco and he shoots you a small smile. You smile back but it fades once you notice a glare from the person sitting beside them. Pansy had been giving you rude looks ever since the incident when she thought you kissed Draco. You look away and finish up your food before it was time to return back to your dorms.

"Not cool, Y/N." Ron says as he walks past you on the way to the dormitories.

"Stay out of this, Weasley." You reply.
It was absurd how many people were upset with you. Ron, Pansy, Harry, and probably much more. You lay in bed that night worrying that everyone hates you. It was sure that people had been gossiping and it didn't look good for you. You try to think optimistically but everything still worries you and after a while you finally fall asleep.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now