He Distracts You While Your Trying To Do Homework

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Zayn: You were busy doing your homework when Zayn walked in. Normally, he wasn't a distraction, so you didn't mind it. "Hey, babe," he greeted, kissing your cheek as he sat down beside you. "Hey," you replied, your eyes still glued to your homework. He rested his chin on your shoulder and scanned over your math problems. "That's wrong," he pointed out. "No, it's not." "Yes, it is." "No, it's not." "Yes, it is." "Zayn, you're just distracting me!" "No, I'm trying to help you!" You ignored his last remark and went back to your work. A minute had barely passed when Zayn said, "That's wrong, too." You dropped your pencil and turned to glare at him. "Babe, I really appreciate your help, but I don't need it," you said, trying to keep your voice even. He frowned slightly. "I'm sorry," he replied, sounding like a child who'd just been yelled at. As soon as you caught a glimpse of the hurt look in his eyes, you felt guilty. He started to get up, but you pulled him back. "No, no, you can stay. Just...try to be a little more quiet," you said. He smiled and nodded, scooting back over to you. You were eager to get back to work, so you did. And luckily, Zayn was completely quiet. You were just finishing up the last few problems, when you felt a light tap on your shoulder. "Babe, I think that's wrong..."

Louis: You glanced over at your grinning boyfriend who was holding a soccer ball. "It's not going to work, Lou," you said simply. His grin faded, and he dropped the ball, dragging himself over to you. "You can't resist me, Y/N," he said as he crossed his arms. "Sure, whatever," you replied, shrugging. He knew he had to change his plan, so he cleared his throat and tilted your chin toward him so your eyes were locked in a deep stare. "What about now?" he asked in a deep, sexy voice. But you only smirked and went back to studying. "Nice try," you said. Knowing he'd failed, Louis got up and left, simple as that. You were relieved to finally have some peace and quiet--which only lasted for about twenty minutes. Suddenly, you heard Louis yell, "Fire!" Your heart racing, you ran into the kitchen, frantically searching for the fire. But instead, you found Louis, grinning from ear to ear. "Sorry, I was just kidding about the fire, babe. But I'm pretty hot, too, aren't I?" he said with a wink.

Liam: You heard another muffled cough coming from the bedroom. Liam had been sick all day, and you'd barely been able to take care of him and get all of your homework done. "You okay, babe?" you called. "Yeah, I'm fine," he shouted back. So you went back to your work and tried to focus. Minutes later, you heard him cough even more. The thought of your sick, exhausted boyfriend was enough to make you get up and check on him. You quietly slipped into the bedroom, making your way toward Liam. "Liam?" you said softly. "Yes?" "Do you need anything?" "No, I'm fine, really. I'm just a little--" he started to say, but he burst into another fit of coughing before he could finish his sentence. By this point, you'd completely forgotten about your homework. "You sound awful, Li. I'll make you some soup, okay?" you said. He started to protest, but you quickly shut him up with a soft kiss on the lips.

Harry: "I hate school," Harry huffed. "You don't even go to school," you reminded him, not bothering to look up from your work. "Yeah, but you do, and it takes more time away from me," he said. You shrugged. Seeing how uninterested you were, Harry stood up and started pacing back and forth. "We could do anything, babe. Any ideas?" he said. Once again, you just shrugged. He was silent for a couple minutes, lost in thought. Then he leaned down and whispered into your ear, "Well, we could do something fun. It involves pillows and sheets." You rolled your eyes at his cheeky remark. He chuckled. "I was talking about a pillow fort, you pervert!" he said. You tried to resist the urge to smile, but you couldn't. You finally looked up at Harry. "Fine. I'll get the pillows, you get the blankets."

Niall: You flipped through the pages of your textbook as you and Niall were laying in bed. "Are you almost done yet?" Niall whined. "I thought you were taking a nap, babe," you replied. He groaned and rolled on his side so that he was facing you. "You shouldn't be doing homework on the weekend. It's ridiculous," he said. You shrugged, ignoring his comment for the most part. He scooted closer to you, snatching the textbook out of your hands and tossing it on the floor. "Niall!" you protested. "I was being serious. You should be having fun," he said. You rolled your eyes and started to get up, but he immediately pinned you to the bed, hovering over you. "Nope, let's do something else," he suggested. "Niall, I don't have time for this," you said, struggling to free yourself. But he was too strong for you. Still, you fought against his strength, swearing at him the whole time. "Niall Horan, if you don't let me get up, I'll fucking--" you started to say, but you stopped yourself when you felt his lips gently press against your neck. "Chill out, babe. You're so tense," he said in a soothing voice. You knew it was useless to fight, so you let him calm you down a bit by leaving trails of kisses along your neck and collarbone.

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