1) Damian knight...

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As warm sunlight hit his face from the open window he groaned softly, lifting his naked form from the bed he head towards the bathroom, his tall muscular body was glowing under morning sunlight, his sexy messy hair, his ripped muscles flexed whenever he moved.

He hopped under the shower letting warm water relax his muscles, after the shower he walked towards his walk in closet, covered his perfect naked body with dark black suit, all his suits were dark just like his soul

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He hopped under the shower letting warm water relax his muscles, after the shower he walked towards his walk in closet, covered his perfect naked body with dark black suit, all his suits were dark just like his soul...dark.

He was standing in front of the mirror in all his glory, his dark suit was hugging his muscular body perfectly, his raven black hair was neatly styled. Black shiny leather shoes and last but not the least his gun on his waistband.

As soon as he came out from the closet his dark blue eyes fell on the woman who was sleeping in his bed, his eyes instantly turned more cold and emotionless if that's even possible.
That woman was supposed to leave his room as soon as they were done fucking each other, she was nothing but an object whom he used to fulfill his sexual needs, he didn't like that she was still in his bed.

He was about to wake her but she woke up with a yawn stretching her limbs. She looked at the incredibly handsome man standing in front of her with both hands in his pockets, lust flickered in her eyes when she looked at his face, a perfect sharp jawline with light stubble, his deep blue eyes and kissable lips, she was literally eye raping him. But she only noticed his handsome face and appearance not his dark aura and hateful gaze he was throwing at her.

She stood up from the bed not bothering to hide her naked body, she gave him seducing smile thinking she will get the same response from him but his face remained expressionless with clenched jaw.

"What the fuck are you doing here, get out..."
His voice came out cold and rude, pinning her with his cold eyes, she halted in her place when she heard him.

"W..what do you mean?, I am..."
She started speaking but he raised his palm in front of her face indicating her to stop whatever nonsense she was about to talk.

"I know, go out jack will give you your money.."

"What ?... Excuse me, I am not a prostitute..."
She scoffed at his words...

" I thought you are a whore, ok whatever your name is, get out of my room..."
He replied coldly but she ignored his words and started walking towards his direction.
She tried to touch his chest seductively but he quickly grabbed her wrist in tight grip and raised his eyebrows at her.

"I am not here for money Damian knight I am here for you, if you allow me I can pleasure you again just like we did last night, you enjoyed that didn't you?..."
She whispered seductively and he looked at her with disgusting face.

He ordered her but that stubborn woman was not ready to leave his room.
She decided to use another way, her eyes became glossy, she thought crying in front of him will do something but she didn't realised that she did the biggest mistake.

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