The cat dislikes me?

130 16 12


Minho's pov:

I heard someone humming a song, as if in sync with the birds chirping. The words were still unclear to me, but from what I could grasp of the melody and the voice, I knew I already liked it.

'Wait, I hear cats too.'

I picked up my pace, willing to reach the other side of the wall as soon as I could. The dry orange leaves crumbling under my feet cut off my hearing, and I was forced to slow down.

'Here we go'

I waited for a second, and made my way towards the other side.

Or seems like I couldn't.

I was sent tumbling to the ground instead, landing on my butt but what was bothering me was the extra weight I felt on my right hand, making it almost numb, as if the cold wasn't already enough.


'Oh it's the same voice'

I felt the weight ebb away and someone pulling me up.
'A-are you okay? I'm s-so sorryy!'

There was a little boy in front of me. Not really, he was only a few centimetres shorter than me but his frame somehow looked a lot smaller. His puffy cheeks were tinted pink, his black hair slightly messed up, making his cute appearance seem more adorable that it already was.
Surprisingly, he was wearing only some trousers and a baby blue sweater, quite short highlighting his tiny waist. (a.n - the jaist afdhjgffhiub my love, why is he so beautiful and perfect- shit got side tracked)

'H-hey...are you- okay?'

I shook my head, seems like I was staring for too long.

'Sorry, I just got distracted by your beauty'

His face flushed more, and his eyes widened, somehow making him look cuter.
I chuckled as I stepped closer to him
'So was it you? The kitten?'

He made a 'o' face as he looked around searching for something.

Everything he does is adorable.

'What are you searching for cutie?'

I raised my hand and brushed a few strands of hair out of his face, wanting to see his eyes properly.
He flinched and stepped back. I retracted my hand, not wanting to scare him.

'H-Han Jisung. Don't use other p-pet names.' He blushed a deeper shade of pink as he tried to fix his hair back.

I brought my face closer to his and whispered 'what if I want to?'

'D-don't.' He tried stepping back more, but the wall played to my advantage and our faces were still close.

I felt his gaze on me this time though. I could see his eyes scanning the features of my face before landing them on mine. I smiled at him and he lowered his eyes, embarassed after finally realizing the distance between us.

6 in the morning, and I need to go get breakfast. Should I risk it?

Well, YES.

I leaned in, closing the distance between us and pecked the boy's lips. He froze in his place.


I leaned back and smirked seeing his widened eyes and red tinted face.

'So did you drop anything? You were looking for something earlier.'

He covered his mouth with his hands, before looking at me with a sharp gaze.

'Oh? I think you did.'

He widened his eyes again, his hands travelling over his jean pockets, apparently believing in what I said.

I smirked.
'You dropped my- ouch.'

Now, before I could complete my cheesy pickup line, something sharp scratched my foot, making me wince in pain.


Jisung crouched down on the ground and I saw a honey-chestnut coloured small cat jumping onto his lap, the same animal who scratched me a moment ago.

'Yah! I wasn't bullying Jisung or anything.'

'Where did you go, sugar?' he cooed as the cat rubbed its head on his hand, his voice soft followed by a cute giggle.

'Is this your cat? Aw, it's so cutee.'

In all honestly, I found the cat very adorable too, only if we disregard its first action upon encountering me.

Suddenly, it hissed at me when I tried to touch it, trying to dispatch its claws at me once again.
But Jisung was quick to halt him.

'You shouldn't do that' he pouted at the cat.

The cat might not like me, but the owner does atleast.

'Oh!' he stood up suddenly and looked at me 'W-we should go now.'

Before I could try and stop him, or blink for that purpose, he ducked under my hand, passed by me and started speed-walking into the distance, his cute figure soon breaking into a sprint.

Before I could try and stop him, or blink for that purpose, he ducked under my hand, passed by me and started speed-walking into the distance, his cute figure soon breaking into a sprint

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