Epilogue B - Spotlight

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Madison's View; 1 and a half years later...

"Thank you for letting me stay for dinner." Y/n says.

"No problem." My mom says.

"So Y/n, are you in a relationship with someone?" My dad asks.

I cough and he ignores me.

"Yes. I'm in love with this girl, we've been together for 1 year and a half." Y/n says looking at me.

My parents don't know about Y/n or my sexuality. We told the public it was a publicity stunt, but I never told my family I was in a relationship with Y/n now.

"They're probably better than Madison's ex." My mom says.

"I'd love to hear about this ex." Y/n says.

"He broke her and he used her." My dad says.

"If she was with someone like you, we wouldn't worry." My mom says.

"I'm sure she'll find someone who loves and cares for her." Y/n says looking at me.

I look back at her and I shake my head.

"Up top." My dad says holding his hand up.

Y/n smiles and high fives my dad.

"Well, I'm gonna go for a walk." Y/n says standing up.

"I forgot to tell you about the thing." I say following her.

Y/n goes outside and she walks away from me.

"Y/n, wait." I say walking toward her.

"It's not that you aren't good enough." I say.

"Then what is it, because I'm out of ideas?" She asks.

"I haven't come out to them. The only people who know I'm Bisexual are my friends, you, and my ex." I say.

Y/n's View

"Could've said that from the start." I say with a small smile.

Madison gives me a look as I walk toward her. She kisses me and I hold her tightly.

Time Skip

"Wake up or you'll be late." Her dad calls from downstairs.

Shit." Madison says putting her shirt on.

"Y/n." Madison says putting her pants on.

"Move your ass, you're supposed to be in the guest room." She says.

"One minute." I mumble.

She pushes me out of her bed and onto the floor.

"Ow." I say getting under the bed.

"Why are you sweating?" Her dad asks.

"I'm not feeling well." She says.

"You feel very hot. Maybe you should take a cold shower." He says before leaving.

"Now let's go into the bathroom." I say getting up.

"Why?" She asks blushing.

"Your dad just told you to get a shower." I say opening the bathroom door.

I lean against the wall then there's a knock on the door. I push her in the shower and I follow her.

"Honey, I need a spare toothbrush." Her mom says as I close the curtain.

I move my hand from her mouth so she can speak.

"Okay." She says before her mom comes in.

Her mom brushes her teeth and turns the sink water off.

"Alright, we're going to work." Her mom says shutting the door.

"It's alright, love." I say.

I hug her from behind then kiss her neck.

"No, not right now, Y/n." She says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"No." Madison says.

I smile and she kisses me.

Time Skip

Madison told her family the entire internet the truth yesterday and they were all happy about it. I'm just glad, I wouldn't be able to do this if they weren't.

"Mr and Mrs Beer, I have a question." I say.

"Yes?" Mr Beer asks.

"Can I have your blessing to marry Madison?" I ask.

I give the jewellery box to them and they open it.

"This must've cost a lot of money." Mrs Beer says.

"Yeah, but Madison is worth every penny I spent." I say.

They look at each other and nod their heads.

"You can marry her, we trust you." He says.

"Thank you." I say.

3 hours later...

Madison was on stage singing and I was going to "sabotage her."

"Stop it now." I say.

Max hits the button and the music stops playing. Madison looks around and I chuckle.

"Music or not, we're gonna get this shit done." Madison says.

Everyone cheers and she smiles. I walk onto the stage and everyone cheers again.

"This is my amazing girlfriend--" Madison says.

"Fiancee." I say.

"What?" Madison asks.

I get on one knee and everyone cheers loudly.

"Oh, god." Madison says crying as I take the ring out of my pocket.

"Will you marry me?" I ask.

"Yes." Madison says.

Everyone cheers even louder and I smile. I put the ring on her finer and she kisses me.

"Now, get off my stage." She says.

I laugh and go backstage.

Time Skip

The lights in the plane turn off and Madison grabs my hand.

"Hmm?" I mumble.

Madison puts my hand in her pants and I look at her.

"Madison." I whisper laughing.

She smiles and I kiss her.

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