☆32. you were always mine☆

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The thick tension around the atmosphere was too much. Loud screams of unbearable pain were echoed throughout the huge place. It was dead silent, the only source of sound were the painful groans of man who was being tortured cruelly.

The man infront was kneeled down trembling with fear seeing the near future of his life. His death was exactly standing infront of him. "May I know who gave you the reason to interfere in my work, who the hell gave you a reason to interfere in Park Jimin's way, would you care to explain me huh ?" Jimin said yanking the man away by his hairs, who was yelping in pain by the unbearable force he was feeling on his scalp.

He couldn't speak at all, Jimin doesn't allow his victims to even beg for his forgiveness. No he won't even allow them to utter a single word to beg for their miserable life, he doesn't give them time to come up with lame excuses.

The man who was a horrible mess pleading for his life to this mafia king was the person who tried to attack Park Mafia last night and even tried to mess with the shipments of weapons which was one of the most important mission for them. And now he was begging for his life to be spared infront of Park Jimin who doesn't give a shit about the word sorry. This word was out of Jimin's vocabulary.

"Please spare me I won't mess with you Mr.Park, I was just blinded by money and I swear I wont repeat this mistake of meddling with your business" the helpless man cries out for his life, but was it of any use ?

"Blinded by money ?" Jimin says raising his eyebrows and hmmms..... looking at the man infact glaring at the poor thing who was horrified completely. The other Mafia members knew very well what was going to happen next. They were afraid of their boss and to be honest it was true, Jimin isn't the type of Mafia who just tortures his victims but instead he shows them hell drowning them in their own blood of rivers.

"So how about if you loose your eyes.... you wouldn't be blinded by money right ? you will lose your vision isn't it right Namjoonah ?" Jimin said tightly holding his chin and looks at Namjoon asking his right hand while a sadistic smirk was plastered over his perfectly sculpted sexy face.

Jimin isn't the one to easily kill people he loves to torture them before killing them and that torture wasn't just killing or shooting them it was much more than what one could imagine.
The other mafia members immediately brought a container filled with some sort of liquid as per Jimin's order but the container wasn't that huge,  just a size of one huge bucket.

All were gulping down their saliva and shivers were running down their spines just by thinking what's going to happen with that man. "Can you read the label to know what's this ?" Jimin asked practically shoving his face towards the label of the container so that he could read the name of what was present inside that container. Upon reading the label his whole soul shivered with fear for his dear life it was filled with hydrofluoric acid. One of the most dangerous acid which will burn your skin if it comes in contact.

"I really find it very boring to play with knifes, tracing on your flifthy skins. Now this is what you get for messing with me bastard" Jimin said in a very calm yet deep tone scaring the life out of everyone. Jimin grabbed his neck choking him painfully by his tight grip on the man's vocal cord cutting of his oxygen supply. But leaves him when the man was out of breath that man was panting heavily while sobbing.

Jimin grabbed his wrist twisting the hand painfully behind his back and practically drained the man's hand in the container filled with hydrochloric acid. His loud painful horrifying groans and screams were echoed in the entire place when his hand's skin was soaked inside the acid.

"Now let me treat your eyes moron, which you said were blinded by money" Jimin said and gestured two of his men to come forward towards Jimin. They held the man and tied him tightly while the other guard took a glass rod which is used to pour acid in test tubes. Now the glass rod was filled with the required amount of hydrochloric acid, they held his face tightly and as per their boss's order they poured the highly dangerous acid drop by drop in his eyes.

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