Ch. 24

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You truged down the sidewalk to be met with one of Mattias friends. Alvaro. Gosh he was toxic you thought , but you can't just talk shit about people. I mean he is your boyfriend's friend.

You smiles at him as he stopped you and asked what you were doing without Mattia. "I'm just taking a walk to clear my thoughts. "

You said while ankering your head towards the direction you were going. "Well if you're clearing your head something must be wrong."

He said while sliding his head down as his eyes viewed over what you were wearing. Not in a creepy way, just to examine as you may call it.

"Look it's not your business, I should really go." You say while smiling nervously while going back to walk but Alvaro grabs your arm.

"We aren't finished with the conversation yet. Y/n." He says in a cold yet eager tone. You scrunch your eye up as that signals you're uncomfortable.

Alvaro quickly let's go and rolls his eyes faintly while walking away.

Alvaro more than likely was thinking that he couldn't tell Mattia, because he just grabbed ahold of his girlfriend like that.

You thought to yourself as of what happened and sighed. Can't believe so many things can go wrong in a day. It started out as a little argument, then turning into a whole ass scene.

You decided you should finally go back to his house and have a talk with your boyfriend.


Because every couple argues and they need to try and overcome it, because not everything in life is going to be easy.

You subtly had been out for like 30 minutes so you walk back and with a gult and guilty feeling you slide the door open and sigh, as

Mattia is back downstairs whose head perked up like a dog's ear. He missed you.

You missed him. Y'all both had the look on y'all's face.

Both of guilt and empathy.

"I'm sorry." You and Mattia say almost at the same time.

Sorry, wrong number (Mattia polibio x reader)✔Where stories live. Discover now