Chapter 1 Part 2

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Sup guys i am back and aight dead Soo the reason i haven't update is because of school and my parents keep perprasure me to do school work of i don't i'm gonna get yell at, and once i'm done with my homework i'm suuuuuupppperrr tired and just wanna chill and relax and yah i took a bit like a 2-3 week break and i feal fresh and got my motivation. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter !!!!!!!


Hachiman Pov:

When i heard Ayanokouji, words me and Yukinoshita look at him wide eyed and listen. I look into his eyes that is always empty full of darkness, never change in any situation that i have seen, I wonder what happened to him in his past to make him like the way he is. Suddenly we heard the door opening and Sensei walking in and said.

Hiratsuka-Sensei: I'm coming in Yukinoshita.

Yukinoshita: Sensei didn't i say to knock first?

Hiratsuka-Sensei: Yeah, sorry. Looks like your having trouble fixing their problems.

Yukinoshita: It's because he doesn't even know he "has" a problem.

While she pointed at me.

Hachiman: Ugh i hate her.

Then she look and pointed at Ayanokouji.

Yukinoshita: Ayanokouji, i don't even know what to do with him.

She said in a somewhat worried tone and Ayanokouji just sitting in his chair quietly. and then i said.

Hachiman: Don't give me that crap. Like hell i need to change. I don't need people telling me who i shoud be, damn it.

I said while looking at both of them and crossing my arm.

Ayanokouji: He's right to some extend why the change will not help anyone, society will be fine with or without us.

I'm suprised Ayanokouji agree to me but why not fully? Then Yukinoshita said.

Yukinoshita: You're just running away and not doing anything about it.

Hachiman: But isn't changing myself also running away? Why can't you accept who you were and who you are?

I retort while smirking. But she fireback in a bit of hostile tone.

Yukinoshita: That doesn't solve any problems. And it won't help anyone either.

I was taken a back at what she said and took a step back, i look at Ayanokouji for backup but he only sighed. Suddenly Sensei said.

Hiratsuka-Sensei: Calm down, you two.*ahem* in cases where two opinions collide, It's a time-honored tradition in kids manga to settle things with a battle.

I sweatdrop and said.

Hachiman: what on earth are you on about?

Hiratsuka-Sensei: What i'm trying to say is that this club is now the stage for a battle to see which of you is the best equipped to serve!

Sensei said while doing a pose, but i also heard Ayanokouji muttering.

Ayanokouji: Interesting.

Hachiman: (Mind) That's some crazy mental gymnastics right there. But what does Ayanokouji mean?

I thought to myself while Sensei continue.

Hiratsuka-Sensei: The winner can order the loser to do anything they want. How does that sound?

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