Chapter four

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Chapter 4

It wasn't that I didn't want to trust James, it's that I was scared of what would happen if I did. My wolf loved him, a feeling I didn't know of.

I walked slowly downstairs a while after I woke up. Since I had yet to see anyone, I ventured into the kitchen.

My stomach growled. I looked in the fridge and grabbed some milk. Then I searched for a box of cereal.

Fruit loops!! I smiled and poured myself a bowl. I ate only half of my bowl before pouring the rest down the sink.

I looked at the kitchen. Spotting a pantry door I swung it open. My eyes lit up. I could bake a cake!

Gathering as many ingredients as I could in my small arms, I placed everything on the counter. I made two more trips from the counter and pantry. By the time I was done I was panting slightly.

I dumped all of the ingredients into a large bowl. After mixing everything together I poured it into a pan.

Shoving the pan into the oven, that I preheated earlier. I sat down in front of the oven and watched my cake bake. Even though I was extremely bored I didn't have anything else to do.

Footsteps came pounding through the doorway. I gasped and stood rigidly. A man ran in.

Glancing between me and the cake he smiled sheepishly. He bowed his head and apologized,

"Sorry Luna. I-um smelled cake."

I wasn't running away because I was too shocked that he had shown me respect. Did he respect me?

DING! The oven sounded, signaling the cake was done. I opened the door and reached in to get the cake.

"Wait Luna!!" I spun around. He held up two...gloves? "I didn't mean to scare you. But you should probably wear these when you take the cake out." I kept my eyes down when he reached for my hands.

As soon as he touched my hand I jerked away. His hands went up as if he was surrendering.

"James is in a meeting. It'll end soon. Your brother is training with the pack, James wants him to become a warrior." I stared at him. He put his hand out as he talked.

"So do you like to bake? It smells like you're good at it."

I slowly gave him my hands. He put a glove on each of my hands. I took my hands back and reached for the cake again.

Placing the cake on the table I looked up at the beta. When I noticed he had a knife in his hand, along with forks and plates, I gasped and backed away.

He dropped everything and raised his hands in a defensive pose for the second time. He pushed the knife towards me.

"I was just going to cut the cake, but you could do it instead."

I snatched the knife and held it in front of me like it could protect me. I took a deep breath and pulled the cake closer to me.

I cut an extremely small piece and an extremely huge piece. Watching the man closely, I pushed the large piece towards him.

He watched me carefully as he picked up a fork. When I didn't react he dug into his food.

He shoveled in bit after bit. I giggled. Snapping his head up he laughed with me.

"Luna, my names Blake. I'm the Beta." He boasted proudly.

"Katie." I whispered

"It's nice to meet you Luna." He spoke again.

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