Chapter Two - What are these feelings?

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I am now 13 years old, nearly 7 years have gone by since that day I moved to London and met Tom. In those 7 years I reckon there has only been about 10 days that I haven't spent with Tom. We have been best friends from the word 'go' and I wouldn't change anything for the world. Obviously I have other friends as well and we are all one big group of friends together. There is me, Tom, Amie, Megan, John and Cameron, they are all my best friends.

My accent has changed in the 7 years of living in England too, it's no longer Scottish. It's no exactly English either but it is more towards the English side. Tom makes fun of me for it, claiming he can remember how pure my accent was before and now it's just 'a pathetic excuse of a Scottish accent'. I know it is though, but I prefer my accent now than before though. Tom isn't the type of friend who would lie to me all of the time to keep me happy, he would rather he told me the truth and it hurt me as a lie is likely to do loads more damage and I respect Tom for that. I can't help but think sometimes that I might possibly have feelings for Tom. I don't know though because he is my best friend and I love him as that but I do think my feelings towards him are sometimes stronger than a 'friend'.

This year we were due to start high school but both Tom and I decided that normal high school wasn't where we wanted to be so instead we signed up for theatre school, so we ended up being the theatre school kids in our neighbourhood. Going to theatre school was enough for a bunch of bullies to chase you home from school if they see you. I suppose I would rather they stopped chasing us but i would never change who I am just to satisfy a bully because then I would be giving them what they want and that's just weak.

So every morning Tom and I would walk into town to attend theatre school and then after school we would take the longest route possible to avoid the bullies but sometimes we still bumped into them on our detours. One day, when walking home from school we saw an ice cream shop and decided since the sun was scorching in the sky that we'd buy ourselves an ice cream, only Tom never let me pay for mines, he never did. We had just came out of the shop and turned the corner to head towards our street when we saw the bullies and had to turn in the opposite direction and leg it. We didn't stop until we were in the safety of our street but when Tom did try to stop running he tripped up over his own feet and ended up in a heap on the floor with his ice cream in his hair. I felt like I could have wee'd myself laughing at him if he hadn't gotten up, taken my ice cream out of my hands and stuck it in my nose. I stopped laughing then and started chasing Tom until we got to my house, which came first in our row of houses.
"Just you wait until later, I will get you back!" I said.
"Dream on." Tom said, laughing as he disappeared into his house, the door slamming shut behind him.

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