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You wake up the next day "What time is it?" You mumble to yourself sitting up you stretch then look to the side to see Namjoon peacefully sleeping. You see it's 7 am you stand up but you're legs suddenly give up making you fall back sitting down on the bed. You sat there for a little until you used all your strength and managed to stand up heading to the bathroom.

You shower and brush your teeth you then quietly exit the room without waking Namjoon and head to the kitchen. You start making breakfast as you were almost done immediately someone picks you up placing you on the counter. You see Namjoon shirtless in front of you "Good Morning. Why did you leave me?" He wraps his arms around you hugging you.

"Well I have to make breakfast" he nods "Ok then I'll help you but first" his lips meet yours and both start a passionate kiss getting intense. Out of nowhere, Jin comes out of his room and heads to where you guys are at he was rubbing his eyes when he then comes in contact with you guys making out. "Yah go to your room if you are going to be doing that. Don't be doing that here in the open Namjoon you're lucky I like you if not I would've kicked you. You both should think about how I am here do you think I want to see this" Jin says making you both look at him.

You smile seeing him out of breath Namjoon lets you go and you walk over to Jin. You rub his shoulders "Calm down my brother you were literally rapping a moment ago now breath in and out breakfast is ready" he smacks your arm making you scream. His eyes widened hoping he didn't hurt you in the worst case make you mad but due to how Namjoon was there he quickly changed the subject.

"Namjoon come here" he goes and sits down next to him as you start serving breakfast Jin looks at him seriously. He clears his throat "Okay Namjoon if you and Y/n are going to do things do it in her room and when I'm not here. I get it you both love each other and you know well you guys were so loud that I had to leave so next time warn me or something." Namjoon smiles "I'm sorry about that" he nods "Oh no it's okay" he leans in closer to Namjoon "Look I know this may be soon but can you make me an uncle" you come with the food.

"Jin in what world are you living I am still in school" Namjoon rubs his neck "I don't know about that" you then all start eating. As you finish Jin does the dishes from the sink he shouts "Since it's the weekend how about we go to the mall after I'm done" you look at Namjoon "Yeah we can do that."

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