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Ms. Monomi was checking on all the children in her kindergarten class at Hope's Peak Elementary. She then stopped when she Hajime glaring at Nagito, who was smiling at him. Monomi raised an eyebrow and kneeled next to Hajime. "Hajime...Why are you glaring at Nagito?" She asked in a sweet tone. "Nagito said he was going to marry (y/n) but I want to marry her!" Hajime semi yelled, tearing up a little and crossing his arms when he was done.
Monomi's eyebrows rose as she tried to take him seriously but he looked so cute when he was mad. "But Hajime...I said so first, i already called dibs!" Nagito said, still smiling at Hajime. Hajime then turned to Nagito "Th-THATS NOT HOW THAT WORKS!!" he yelled as the white haired boy laughed at him a little. Monomi hugged Hajime, who still had tears forming "Boys...you can't marry anyone yet, you're only five." She said, tsking a tissue out of her pocket and wiping Hajime's tears. "Come on, it's time for recess." She said as Hajime nodded, sniffling a little, as Nagito walked towards the door. "Come on, kids! Recess time!" Monomi yelled as all the children ran out.
Hajime looked at (Y/n), who was drawing wuth chalk with Mahiru and Ibuki. He then smiled to himself as he looked down and saw a small copper wire and a little fake flower; he picked them both up and a light bulb lit up in his head.
A few minutes later, Hajime ran over to (Y/n). "Hey (Y/n), can you come with me for a second?" He asked as (Y/n) looked up at him and smiled "Okay!" She said cheerfully. She stood up as Hajime took her hand and walked with her behind a tree. Hajime let go of her hand "I...I have a question for you.." He said shyly. (Y/n) tilted her head in confusion "What is it, Hajime-kun?" She asked as Hajime held out a little ring he made out of the copper wire, the small fake flower on the top of it. "W-Will you marry me?" He asked, his cheeks tinted pink. (Y/n) was surprised as she hugged him "Yes!" She said, causing Hajime's cheeks to turn bright red. (Y/n) let go and Hajime put the ring on her finger.
"Awwww, isn't that cute, sir?" Monomi asked Principal Monokuma. He looked at the two "Yes, quite adorable." He said sarcastically.



< Did you hear about the exam coming up?

Yeah, not too happy abt it, think I might fail again >

< Well...Maybe we can study together? Even thought I'm in the main department and you're in the reserve department, we'll still have the same test.

Sounds great, where at? >

< Hmmmmmmmm...your house?

Alright, that's fine >

< Cool! See ya later Caption Orange Jucie

Stop calling me that, (Y/n)!!! 😑 >

< Haha 😝

Hajime blushed as he put his phone down and tried to continue to focus in class. Sometimes it was really hard when he started thinking about (Y/n), she was the Ultimate (your talent) and he's never seen anyone better at it than her. The only other people that knew about his crush on her was Chiaki and Nagito. Nagito only knew because he's been competing with Hajime for (Y/n)'s love for the rest of his life.
Hajime was relieved when the lunch bell went off as he went to the lunchroom to get something for lunch; He usually went straight to see (Y/n), but she had already made plans to eat with Sonia and Gundham today. He got an apple, and started walking around outside. Hajime stopped when he heard Nagito's voice talking to (Y/n)
"What did you need me for, Nagito?" (Y/n) asked him as Hajime hid behind a tree. "Well, there's been something ive wanted to tell you for a long time.." Nagito then paused for a second. "(Y/n) I...I LOVE YOU, will go out with me?" He blurted out as Hajime froze as he walked off as fast as he could 'I don't want to hear the answer...she most likely said yes to that psycho anyway..' Hajime thought to himself as he continued to walk around, trying to get his mind off the whole thing.
The rest of the day felt like a blur to Hajime, he just wanted to go home and try to forget the pain in his heart. When the releasing bell went off, Hajime quickly packed his things, speed walked out of the school, and then ran to his house. He opened and locked the door behind him. Hajime fell to him knees and sighed to himself, tears forming in his eyes. "I should've said something sooner..." He said outloud silently.
Then, he heard a knock on his door. He opened it and looked down to see (Y/n) staring up at him. "Hajime? Are you okay? I saw you run from the school a- Are you crying?!" She asked and put her hands on his cheeks. His eyes widened as he blushed slightly. Hajime forced a smile on his face "I...I'm okay, (Y/n), don't worry!" He said as he gently moved his friend's hands and wiped his eyes. "If you say so...if you're not okay, we can study some other time." She said as Hajime shook his head "no no! Its fine, we can still study!" He said as the two walked up to his room
"Hey Hajime do you understand question sixteen on the review?" (Y/n) asked, laying on her stomach on Hajime' s bed as Hajime was on the floor in front of her. "H-Huh?" He asked as he looked back at her and thrn looked back at his review "I haven't gotten to that yet, sorry.." He said. "Okay Hajime, what's wrong?" (Y/n) asked, raising at eyebrow. Hajime turned fully around to face her "What? I'm fine! What makes you think I'm not?" He asked. "Hajime, on question three when it asked how many sides an octagon has, you put five and you keep spacing out." She said straight out and he sighed and looked down at the ground. "I...I overheard Nagito confess to you earlier" he said as (Y/n) raised an eyebrow "Okay...and?" "I wish I got to tell you before he did...cause I...I really like you. I think I might love you b-but I know that you're with Nagito now so I hope this doesn't-" "Wait wait wait, what? I'm not dating Nagito." (Y/n) interrupted Hajime "you didn't hear the whole thing, did you?" She asked as Hajime shook his head. "I walked off after Nagito said he loved you." He said "Well..."


"You...love me?" (Y/n) said, unable to say anything. She then sighed "I'm sorry, Nagito, but I can not accept your feelings. I...like someone else" she said as Nagito blinked "You like Hajime, don't you?" He asked as she blushed "U-uh um..." She looked down. "Y-Yeah, I do..." (Y/n) then looked back at Nagito "But we can still be friends, right?" She asked as he nodded, smiling at her "of course."


Hajime's face was bright red at this point, from finding out (Y/n) liked hom too, and from feeling embarrassed for taking things wrong. "I'm sorry for taking things the wrong way, I feel like an idiot.." He said and planted his face into the side of his bed. (Y/n) giggled as she ruffled his hair "It's okay, stupid" she said as Hajime peaked up at her. "I still like you even though my husband's an idiot" she said as Hajime rested his chin on his bed.
"What're you talking about?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow. (Y/n) then took out her keys and flipped a few of her keys. She then held up a little copper ring, that was a little worn, with a small flower on it "Remember this?" She asked as Hajime's eyes widened "Y-You kept that?" He asked shyly. "Of course I did, I love it" (Y/n) smiled and put her keys down as Hajime sat up a little and held one of her hands. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked as (Y/n) nodded. She then put her hand on the back of his head and moved his head closer to her. (Y/n) then kissed his forehead and then pulled away, looking at Hajime, whose face was bright red.
"Does this mean I'm the top?" (Y/n) asked, smiling at him. "How does that make you the top?" Hajime asked, looking up at her. "You're giving off bottom energy right now" she said
"I AM NOT A BOTTOM" Hajime said, his blush getting darker as (Y/n) laughed.

Hajime Hinata x Female Reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now