chapter 11

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3 hours later are we here yet we have been walking for hours Camilla says mila where almost there rowan says is that it Sabrina says yes it is rowan says running to the house so how are we going to get in Sabrina says umm how did we get in last time Camila says we just pushed Sabrina says well than push Camila says loudly I tried rowan yells wait Stand back Rowan says (we got to get in no time to waest so open the door right now and haste) rowan says and the door opens how did you do that Sabrina and Camila says I don't know I just rymmend and pointed rowan says awesome let me try Camila says No Rowan and Sabrina says loudly come on let's go in already Sabrina says omg look Camila says what rowan says you found something Sabrina says yeah look at this book Camila says blowing it wow that's a lot of bust Camila says look what it says 10 min later so where witches yeah we are try a spell Sabrina says okay Camila says do this one and open the locker (locker locker open secamie get me out as fast as a bee) Camila says omg it worked Camila says cheering where witches Sabrina says you guys we can tell the boys agreed rowan say agreed Camila says agreed Sabrina says okay come on let's go rowan say

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