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3rd POV

The alchemist and the test subject spent the rest of their day conducting research in hopes of obtaining valuable data that would expand Albedo's knowledge of the essence of life with the help of an otherworldly being. Y/N proved to be a capable fighter with enough strength to defeat a few waves of slimes, although they completely denied the opportunity of fighting off six whole oceanids. Nevertheless, such strength was of no difference to those of Teyvat.

Soon after, they tested Y/N's intellectual ability near the shores of Dragonspine at a puzzle. Unfortunately, their above average display of intellect still brought forth no significant results. Albedo then requested Y/N to try and break a mountain with their sheer willpower, but nothing came to fruition as they had no ability to do so. Moving on, the two went on top of a mountain and Y/N had to reach the other side of a lake. This, too, showed no unique results.


"Sosososososo cold," this thought loops in my mind as my body glides through the freezing, cold air. Every few moments, I close and open my glider to drop quicker. I can't bring myself to drop as far as the ground for obvious reasons. Although, it only worsens the cold sensation.

Albedo and I have been outside for a long time now, I hope that we can take a break from conducting data sooner than later. Yknow what, I think that I'll bring it up soon. Finally, I reach the other side of the lake.

"Oh...heeeey Albedo, you g-g-g-got here super—fast," my teeth chatter as I speak. I shiver as I inch my way to him.

"Thank you for your assistance today, you have been nothing, but kind to me as well. Let's take a break from research, I can escort you back to Mondstadt," he hurriedly says while he makes his way towards me.

"Hahaa..pl-pl-please do," I murmur, hardly even inching any closer. It's so cold that I SWEAR this is Barbatos's wind of fury. He removes his jacket and places it on me instead. "Don't worry about me, I'm used to the cold and I also took a warming potion earlier today," he explains. "I should've made more in advance...the one I took was also the last one. I underestimated the circumstances."

"T-t-t-thanks—it's fine," I stammer, getting as close as possible to him without crossing personal bubbles.

"No need to thank me, I didn't do much," Albedo assists me in leaving Dragonspine.

I can hardly remember anything while we were leaving to be honest besides white, white, oh and more white snow and skies. Haaaaa, I never want to do this again, but I've already agreed to helping him. I can't just back out now, and Albedo is a genius, maybe he could figure out how to send me back home. Maybe. I don't want to set my hopes too high though. Finally, I see a land of vivid and bright colors. Oh, I'll never take you for granted again forest!

As I step foot on the warm, sunny grass, my feet give way and I crash onto my back. My head feels like it's in the sky more than on my shoulders. "Hahahaha...I'm so cold, this is like going to heaven," I scream-whisper out, looking up at that wide, beautiful, blue sky. The sun looks like it's going be down soon.

"Y/N, this location isn't the safest to rest at. Dragonspine naturally draws in plenty of hilichurls and other specimen, it would probably be safer to wipe out an entire camp of hilichurls and rest there," Albedo suggests with that genius brain of his, putting a hand on his hip.

"O-kay, if Teyvat's Einstein says so then I'm more than willing to go with that idea," I slowly sit up and remember his jacket, right! I remove it, dust it, and shake it in the air in hopes of keeping it clean. Bringing it close to my face, my nose picks up a faint scent of his...aroma- gah! That's flat out creepy of me, I only wanted to check that no grass blades were on it or anything! Though, uh, I suppose he does have a nice smell. I suppose. EMPHASIS on I SUPPOSE.

"Einstein? Is that someone from your world?" He asks, taking his jacket back when I offer it. "Also, what...was that facial expression for while you held my jacket?" He's frowning- NO, HE'S DISAPPOINTED AND CONCERNED THAT I'M SORT OF CREEP.

"W-well, you see! Uhhhh, Iiiiiii, funny story! I think you smell! Uh! Very nice! Yeaaah, what, what, psh, kind of perfume—I MEAN COLOGNE, do you wear!?" I stammer out, unable to look at him. "Okay, okay! I'll be honest! I, caught a whiff of your...smell ON ACCIDENT. I swear that it was an accident. I was just looking for any dust or grass still on it!"

"Pft-, haha—," he lets out a soft laugh. He's laughing, end me Barbatos, strike me with a tornado right now, you know you want to. "Y/N, things happen with or without a person's intention! You're quite the over thinker, I—think it's quite the compliment to be told that I smell 'very nice' as you describe it."

I look up at him to see a happy, sort of sheepish smile on his face. Even he can get embarrassed, aww. "Eheh, my communication skills aren't all that great around strangers or acquaintances."

"Acquaintances? Well, I for one consider us to be friends that is, if you don't mind us being friends," he admits. A friend—that's something I really need.

"Of course, I'd be more than happy to be friends with you!" I grin, getting up, and patting off my behind. "Cmon, let's head back to Mondstadt—friend." Being able to even say that word even if I hesitated is such a blessing to me. I know that I'm smiling like such a dork right now, so I'm also looking at the ground.

Why am I so happy from this? It's because I now know that I can trust Albedo. All day, he's been nothing, but kind to me after all. Unless he's got some 10,000 IQ long-term plan, I just don't get the feeling that he wants to harm me or anything of the sort. Plus, I can understand his motives for commissioning me. Science is fascinating, you always want to learn more and more, and if he wants to satisfy his curiosity then he had to see me at some point.

Ah—the grass is growing orange, is it sunset? I look up to see the sun beginning to set. "What a lovely sunset," I feel my chest tighten a bit as a sunset seems so cliché, yet suiting for such an occasion.

"The sunset—I haven't seen in quite a few days as a result of my extensive research hours," Albedo comments. "I agree, it's lovely, such a warm color is perfect to end off a work day."

"Which do you prefer, the sunrise or sunset?"

"Both have their respective qualities, but," he begins. "I personally prefer the sunrise. Though I know that the sun doesn't actually rise in Teyvat, I can see the artistic beauty of it erasing the darkness of night fall. Such a moment brings the feeling of hope, which is what my assistant tells me."

"Oooo, you've got an assistant?"

He nods. "Yes, have you perhaps heard of or seen her? Her name is Sucrose and she has aquamarine colored hair, tangerine colored eyes, and she has round, black glasses."

"No, I don't think that I've gotten to meet her," I shake my head.

"Fair enough, we were quite busy for the last few weeks when an—incident occurred that I'm afraid has a lengthy explanation," he mentions.

"Oh? Well, if you don't want to explain then that's alright—," my head starts to feel all woozy again. I was so happy that my body physically forgot the pain.

"Thank you, Y/N. The sun's going to set soon, shall we speed our pace?"

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