✺Fresh Dirt✺

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Yoshino Takara was not afraid to dig under rocks, in bushes, or climb into trees

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Yoshino Takara was not afraid to dig under rocks, in bushes, or climb into trees. Her dark red eyes were always on the hunt for new treasures to add to her collection. Adding to the amount always filled her with joy.

No ill intent ever hid behind her expressions. Instead, a child-like glee seemed never to leave her face.

"Yoshino. You were supposed to meet us at the front gate." The familiar voice of her classmate scolded her from a few feet away.

"No, I didn't forget." She protested but quickly changed the subject as she continued speaking. "Oh, did you know that Monarch butterfly caterpillars consume milkweed leaves which makes them toxic when digested? You won't die, but the stomach ache will make you wish you would."

"That's informative and all, but why are you in a bush?"

"I'm looking for something, duh." The ends of her strawberry blonde hair almost reached to her elbows, yet she always made sure it never got dirty or stuck anywhere as she searched around.

"Yoshino likes to collect insects among other things," Fushiguro explained. "If you see anything crawling around it's hers."

"Insects, arachnids, a few reptiles, and like two amphibians." Takara paused and tilted her head to the side. "Okay I haven't been able to get amphibians to actually do anything besides just stand there... wait I'm not supposed to say that, never mind."

"Remind me not to get on her bad side."

"No, I wouldn't use them on a human. Let's be honest; most of them are pretty weak." She let out a small hum and fixed one of the clips holding back her bangs. "Unlike the Chironex fleckeri. It has enough venom to kill adult humans in under three minutes."

"Non-scientific name, Yoshino," Fushiguro spoke.

"Why? It's not like any of you actually care about a venomous Australian jellyfish." Takara carefully placed the object she found inside a pocket from her uniform.

None of them retorted the tall girl. Instead, they either pretended to be busy or whistled and looked away.

"Hey, you have some dirt on your cheek."

She took out a napkin from one of her pockets before harshly scraping her cheek with it. A splotch of red tainted the spot as her eyes wandered over the pink-haired boy, finally bothering actually to look at him. Takara smiled as she took a few steps to stand closer. "Wow. You're really good-looking."

"There she goes." Fushiguro gave the girl an annoyed stare. "Yoshino we're already late without having to come back for you. Finish wrapping up what you found and let's go.

Takara turned to the only other girl as she packed away her other findings. "And you're really pretty. But don't worry Fushiguro you're still as handsome as ever."

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