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"Stop it!" Splash. "Luke!"

"What? You can't handle a little water Olivia!"

"I swear to god Luke!" She pulls his ankle yanking him into the pool as well.

"Nathan get your nose out of that book and join us." Bella joins in, groaning.

"How about you leave me alone and let me finish my book instead of looking like a bunch of idiots messing around in the water."

"You're no fun. Aven join us, get in the water, have fun."

"I..I have to finish my homework. Plus I..I left my swimsuit in my dorm."

"What is wrong with you people?!" Olivia groans, floating in the water.

"I..I didn't know we were going to the pool. I..I just needed to catch up on schoolwork."

"Yall are boring." She sits up like she has an idea. "Luke!"

"What?" He groans.

"We need to do it tonight. We haven't done it yet since Aven got here."

"No, Olivia, no. It always ends with someone crying."

"That's why it's fun."

"You threw a shoe at Jeremy's head last time!"

"He recovered!"

"It hurt though!" Jeremy yells from the edge of the pool.

"You recovered!"

"Fine only if we don't throw things this time." Luke says in a huff, like he's not completely fond of the idea.

"Yes!" She swims over to me. "You are coming and we are going to have so much fun."

"What is it?"

"You'll find out. Everyone comes to it."

"Except Lucas!" Bella adds.

"Why doesn't Lu-"

"Doesn't matter." She cuts me off. "You are coming and I'm arranging it, and by everyone I mean everyone." She smirks at me, jumping out of the pool and walking over towards the dorms.

"What is it? Why won't she tell me? And why doesn't Lucas come?" I turn to Nathan asking.

"You'll find out. It's kind of a tradition to keep it secret for the newbies so they don't chicken out."

"That's not making me feel better."

"You should be fine."

"The 'should' is also not helping."

"Just calm down and listen carefully to the rules. Oh and don't sit next to Olivia or Anna, they hit."

"Wait, this turns violent?"

"If I had an answer for that, life would be less complicated."

"Oh god."

"Yeah. Let's go get some food." He slams his book shut, dropping it in his bag. He stands up, giving me time to put my books in my bag before walking me to the cafeteria. We go through the line, ordering what we want and grabbing our numbers.

"Nathan!" I see Josh waving him over. I step back, looking around for a place for me to sit.

"Aven, come on."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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