Classes with him

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Chapter 2
Classes with him

"So what's your name blondie?" he asked me as I doodled on my notebook with a black pen.
"Lilly....Prescott" I said softly. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my skull.
"That's a nice name blondie" I looked up at him looking straight into his piercing green eyes.
"It's Lilly and I never caught your name?" I asked shyly and clicked my pen a few times.
"Marshall lee Abadeer" He said looking at me with that same crooked smile. I started to look at his tight leather jacket and sky blue shirt which was also tight on him.
"But you and call me Marshall" he said while my eyes were glued to his face.I realized I was staring and felt my face heat up. Suddenly the bell rang and class was over.
"Come on lets go sweet cheeks" he said holding his handout.
"I can get up by myself" I grumbled.
"Someone is feisty" he whispered and walked with me in the busy hallway this time coming closer.
"I like feisty" he whispered into my ear.I stiffened a bit and kicked him in the shin,making him lose balance.
"Shut up" I said tripping over my feet.
"Hey Lilly!" I heard Courtney call out and went us.
"Perfect timing as usual" I said sarcastically looking down at her, she smiled.
"So who's this guy is he your lover boy" she said loudly which made people look over at us.
"Shut it Courtney, Marshall this is my little sister Courtney she might look like a angel but trust me she's not" He chuckled.
"And if you're wondering we are just friends" I said.
"Now get to class Courts" I ruffled her hair once again and she skipped down the hall and I let out a heavy sigh of relief.
"Don't call me that I hate it!!!" she screamed as she ran down the hall.
"Can I see your class schedule?" He said reaching his hand out.
"Okay and may I ask why?" I said giving him the paper.
"Just wondering your classes blondie" he took the paper and glanced up and down the list, He folded it up and handed it back to me.
"Looks like we have 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 7th hour together so that means get used to me being around" he nudged my shoulder.
"Well I will see you later Marshall I have to grab my books and get to science" I said turning into B hall which was where my locker was. He waved and went down C hall which gave me a wave of relief. I opened my locker and gathered what I needed and headed to chemistry. I sat down and took my seat but something was distracting me and that thing was Marshall lee.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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