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y/n looked at Ghetsis. Ghetsis coldly stared back, not saying anything.

you slowly stand. some blood dripping down your back from how sharp the ice shard was.

you cried out and fell back on your knees.

Ghetsis slowly walked up to you, and lifts your chin.

you looked up at the man with fear.
she is nervous on what he will say. what he will do. are you going to die from what you have said?

Ghetsis sighed softly.
"get up, I'll take you to the frigate."

you were confused. you thought he was gonna kill you with Kyreum. did your words actually change his mind?

he held his hand out to you.
you nervously took it.

he gently pulled you up and wrapped his arm around you.
using his cane to walk, as he helped you walk as well.
he looked exhausted and worn out.

you felt bad, he didn't have to do this.
he didn't have to keep you alive.
but why did he?
did your words truly touch his maniac of a heart?

maniac. - Ghetsis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now