ONE: Invader ZIM

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Death had always  intrigued me. Not what happens at the end of a life, but the being that was the personification of it. I had no idea why. Maybe it was because... I was death itself. Or maybe it was because Death, known by his Epithet the Grim Reaper, pertained to everything in the Underworld. But I had never seen someone as close to Death itself until I laid eyes upon a person with a death-based quirk. At the USJ a day before this story starts. And I've never been more interested before.


It was a good three weeks or so before the Sports Festival. The Friday after the USJ incident. And everyone in my class of 1-A was either studying or practicing for the Sports Festival. Unfortunately, I was dragged to an after school all-girls trip to the mall. 

I do NOT want to be here. For any reason, and I was starting to regret my decision to agree to go along with Mina. I could be at home, studying for our grammer quiz in English two days from now or working on my quirk for the Sports Festival. 

Or finally trying to catch up with One Piece (let's face it it's going to take me months to get through the Summit War Saga just so I can prepare myself for what I know is coming (spoilers sucks man)).

"So, [Y/N], what do you think?" Mina Ashido held out this PINK cropped tie-dye sweater to me.

"It'll look good on you. Me? Not so much." The girls (minus me and Jiro) begged to go to Victoria Secret as soon as we arrived at the mall.

I should have opted to go with Jirou to Hot Topic, but I don't like the stuff they have there anyway. I would rather go to a nerd store or Bath and Body Works for Cool Amazon Rain body wash and perfume. But I was stuck in this position before me.

"You need to pick something out, [Y/N]. I'm sure you'll look good in anything you try on. And I mean anything." Mina told me.

I seriously doubt that. I'll probably look out of place wearing anything in this store. I wonder how the other girls are doing. I scanned the large store for the othet girls.  Toru Hagakure and Ochoca Uraraka were looking at underwear while Momo Yaoyorozu was browsing through the bras and Tsuyu Asui was over by the perfumes and lotions and stuff like that.

"I think this'll look cute on you!" Mina held up a maroon hoodie with PINK written across the top.

"It's a hoodie." I told her.

"Your entire wardrobe is ninety percent hoodies and sweaters. And plus, it's cute." she told me. "Oh, and fyi, we're not leaving here until you have a proficient amount of what Victoria Secret has to offer."

"I don't need anything from here!" I told her.

"You need to stop buying your bras from Wall-Mart, your panties from Target, and your clothes from Goodwill." Mina told me.

"I'm sorry that this place is to expensive for me. Plus, it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone, Mina." I reminded her.

"Victoria Secret is not about impressing anyone. It's about feeling confident and beautiful in your own skin." Mina told me.

"And then you see the models wearing the same bras and underwear you are wearing and start to feel self-conscious about it." I really don't like going here anyway.

"How about you get into the groove of browsing at the very least and the next place can be anywhere you want?" Mina asked me.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued by the offer. And just like a flip of the coin, I started browsing through the bras. Oh, I hated that idea more than anything in the near future.


The walk home was a long and tiring one at that. With me carrying all of my bags I had gotten from this excursion. Yep. I should have taken up on Momo's offer to drive me home. But alas here I am: an idiot walking home with a dozen or so bags. 

How do popular girls in movies do this? At least my muscles were going to get stronger with all these bags I'm carrying. But then again, I am weak. I lacked the physique that the other girls had. 

They knew it too.  I walked down the street, struggling to carry all of this. Oh how I wished to be Shoji with his Duplix-arm quirk (is that what it's called? I forgot) in that moment. Because while I was walking, I smacked into someone and all of my bags scattered along the sidewalk and I seemed to fall down with it.

Well this is my luck today, I guess. I whipped my head around to see the person I bumped into walking away from my predicament. I guess he can get away from it. But that didn't stop me from noticing his powder blue hair as he turned towards me. 

Maybe for a second or two before continuing on his way. Powder Blue Hair. It was messy too. And I couldn't shake the feeling that I had seen it before. Alnost like a familiarity. I shook the feeling off and collected my bags and headed home. 

When I did, I bid my mom a good afternoon and headed upstairs to go through my bags of clothes and other items I have. My cat that I had grown up with, Cerberus, paddled on into my room before jumping on my bed and lounging amongst my clothes. 

When my dad moved out two years ago because of reasons, the man took my two older brothers and my dog with him. Asshole.

"So... The Sports Festival is coming up in a couple of weeks, but I don't know if they'll go through with it with what happened yesterday." Mr Aizawa might not even come to school on Monday. "Maybe they'll postpone it to later in the year. I just want to show what I'm made of. Maybe my father and brothers will see how cool I became without their guidance here. You know... Like sticking it to the man almost. Not sure if I'm using that correctly." I was crazy. Talking to my cat. But at least the cat was mentally there. Unlike my mother. 

I placed clothes in drawers, books on shelves, and body wash and lotion on my basket of hair and skin products. Powder Blue Hair. Almost like a silver. Messy too. Why is it so familiar to me? Almost like I saw it recently. 

It's in the back of my head. It is almost like I can grab it. Almost if. I laid down on my bed, snuggling the furball to my chest. Cerberus, a Norwegian Forest Cat who is super fluffy and quite big, purred against my chest. 

And I was almost asleep in my mid-afternoon nap when it finally hit me. He was at the USJ yesterday. He was the head of the so-called League of Villains that the purple cloud villain called Tomura Shigaraki.

He tried to kill me. He tried to kill Tsuyu. And he melted my teacher's elbow. And Deku tried to take him out. He attacked us to kill All Might and he failed.

So... How was that? You'll officially meet Shigaraki next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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