~ Chapter One ~

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*A/N* Hello this is my first fanfiction! I hope this is good and don't be afraid to give feedback!! Have a great day!

(Keep in mind there are no quirks in this story!)

~{Izuku's POV}~ 

(Izuku was four years old)

"Mom, how come I don't see any colors? All of my classmates do!"

"Oh honey, it's because you are part of the rare 20% who only sees colors once they have met their soulmate! Don't worry, once you find that special one, who will be able to see colors in no time!"

"Aw, that will take forever! This soulmate better be worth it..."

~{Shouto's POV}~

(TW: Physical and Mental Abuse)

"Why do you have to keep abusing him everyday! He works so hard for you to like him yet you keep beating him up!"

"He never does anything! He expects to get everything here for free but tough. It doesn't work like that and he needs to understand that!"

I hear my parents fighting for the trillionth time. I'm only 5 years old, yet I have experienced more abuse than the average human lifespan. 

I hid under the table as I don't want my dad to hit me for the 10th time today. 

"SHOUTOOO WHERE ARE YOU! YOU NEED TO BECOME STRONGER LIKE A MAN!!!" Ugh, I can hear him. I stay hidden, hoping he doesn't find me.

"SHOUTO!! Why are you hiding under a fucking table?! And stop crying!! Real men don't cry."

I get slapped on my face once again. I ball my ass out as my mom comes to help me. Why did I have to be born this way? This isn't how families should treat each other.

~{Izuku's POV}~ 

(Present Time)

"Wow Mom, I can't believe that I got into U.A! One of the best schools in all of Japan! I will become a rich and successful business man!"

"I know and I'm so proud of you Izuku! I hope you make a lot of friends and have a great time!"

My mom gave me a big hug and I headed out of the door. U.A. isn't far from where I live so it should only take me 10 minutes to walk there. I notice one of my childhood friends walking up there aswell.

"Hi Kacchan! I'm so excited for school! It's a shock we both got into one the best schools ever!"

"Shut it you damn nerd! I'm trying to enjoy my peace and you have to come up to me and make my day worse!" Kacchan says to me. He's never been nice to me but he's the only friend I have. Hopefully I can find better friends at U.A.

We part ways and walk up to the school separately. I look to see how big the school is. I walk in and I find my class.

"Wow, this is huge!" I walk in and notice something different. I take a glance at everyone and notice that, I'm seeing colors!?

This means one of these people is my soulmate! Wait... which one though? I forgot the person who I looked at as I glanced at everyone. I think it happened when I looked in the back though.

I take a sit at my desk, surprised at how everything looks in color. I'm not sure if I should tell anyone that I started seeing colors today. What if they will assume it's someone. And besides, I'm not even sure if I care to know who my soulmate is at 15.

"AHH I'M GOING TO FAIL I'M GOING TO FAILLL!" Some guy behind me screams. He has purple hair and is really short. Let's hope that THAT guy isn't my soulmate.

"What's going on?" I say curiously. 

"Mr. Aizawa is going to give us a test on the first day! I didn't even study!!" That guy says while crying.

"Who's Mr. Aiz-" At that moment, some guy in a yellow sleeping bag crawls into the room. I stare at him, wondering if that was our teacher or not.

"That's him! I like your sleeping bag! Look's comfy!" Some girl with pink hair and horns says.

"Alright, let's get onto today's lesson." He get's out of the sleeping bag, wearing a quite dark outfit. 

He starts the lesson and we learn about history, boring. I pay attention though, wanting the good grades a business man should have.

~{Shouto's POV}~

I run out of my house for school, trying to get away from Endeavor as soon as possible. I always go out of my house early and come back super late so I don't have to deal with that asshole.

I walk to school as it is my first day at U.A. I've never had many friends before, as my studies have gotten in the way. 

I get there and soon find my classroom. I notice that I am one of the first one here and I take a seat at the back. Some guy with indigo hair comes up to me and says I should try to be more social even though it is obvious I don't like talking to people.

"Wait, are you the famous Endeavor's son!?" He says to me. I hate it when people compare me to that scumbag.

I roll my eyes and scroll through my phone. No one knows about how one of the most famous people on Earth abused his wife and children. I also don't plan on telling anybody. No one would believe me, so why even try?

10 minutes later and most people are here. Class is about to start soon, unfortunately. I hear the door open and look at the person who walks in. Bushy green hair, kinda looks like broccoli. A big smile, and super short, yet I like it. 

He has a surprised look on his face as he glances towards me. I wonder what had happened? I ignore it and pay attention to class. 

(Sorry for the short chapter, they will become longer as more chapters go by!)

(Also, should I base my story off the actual anime?)

Have a great day and stay safe! <3

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