Chapter 7 - We all fall down

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Jeff sat beside Danny in the back of the spectre speeder, Tucker and Ben sat to their front and Sam behind them with the bags, the A-List sat in the front of the bus with the Fentons and the nerds sat in the middle, everyone was decided away from eachother and that was fine.

"Wow, I thought when I went to school it had a bad social class." Ben joked to Tucker, smiling at him, Sam teased them of dating but neither had decided what to call their relationship, despite not knowing they both had romantic feelings for each other and Sam found it quite cute. Ben and Jeff looked outside of the windows at the floating doors within the Ghost Zone, having only seen Danny's lair they were in awe, Ben could faintly remember waking up in the zone, but he felt a serious power up from the ectoplasm around, though it was filled because of the metal in between himself and the zone, he guessed this was how Danny felt whenever he had his shakes or went to the zone, he felt whole.

"What are the floating doors?" Mikey asked, raising his hand and flailing it around for a moment before he realized he could just yell out his question.

"Well-" Maddie started, only to be cut off by Jack shouting an enthusiastic,
"We don't actually know!"

Danny shook his head sadly as Jeff laughed and tried to hide it behind a cough, Ben snorted in amusement and Tucker smirked, Sam only smiled. Tucker checked the stats of the speeder with his PDA, leaning against Ben as he did so and without warning the speeder lurched, the stats started falling as red warning lights flashed over head in the vehicle, the class began to calm down as the group in the back braced for an impact while Tucker took over the steering and tried to drive them to a safe landing area, he found a decently sized island and drove towards it as the speeder fell down thanks to gravity. Ben held onto Tucker and turned him intangible as Danny followed the idea and turned himself, Jeff and Sam intangible as Sam held onto their seat.

"Everyone hold on!" Jack yelled as he and Maddie flicked switches and pressed buttons, Maddie moved the steering wheel as if she was driving, if this wasn't a dangerous situation Danny would've laughed at her, the speeder reached the ground and landed with a tumble, since the Fentons hadn't installed seatbelts everyone was thrown out of their seats and moved around while the speeder took bumps and broke apart, they were right about something going wrong. With a groan Danny turned himself tangible, causing Jeff and Sam to do the same, Ben hesitated but he and Tucker flickered into sight with Ben gripping Tucker's shirt tight in a terrified hug. Danny smelled blood, a lot of it. He stood up, walking among the torn apart back of the speeder, he saw his class and the Fentons spread out along the island, along with parts of the speeder.

"We need to go to Frostbite, he can help us fix the speeder." Sam said, Jeff and Ben raised an eyebrow since they never left Danny's lair when in the Ghost Zone and because both Sally and Ben formed in the human world they didn't know much about the Ghost Zone.

"Yeah, but first we need to make sure everyone is okay." Jeff pointed out.

Tucker pulled the trembling Ben out of the seat, the poor boy was definitely spooked from what happened, his glamoured eyes flashed red as he pulled away from Tucker.

"What happened?" He asked, adjusting the green beanie over his pointed ears since the glamour didn't cover everything.

"I'm going to guess an engine failure." Tucker answered Ben with a shrug.

Sam picked up the bag with the first aid kit and the extra clothes, sighing.

"Do you need me to help you?" Jeff asked, standing up and picking up the food bag, which he opened and pulled one of Danny's shakes from before offering it to him, Danny took it and Jeff closed the bag, swinging it to his back. Danny sipped from it as he looked among the wreckage, groaning gently in dismay.

"Sure, why not." Sam agreed with a shrug, Jeff nodded and went with her to check on the other kids, leaving Danny to go see where they were within the ghost zone, his internal map of the realm proving perfect for this situation. Tucker and Ben went to the controls of the speeder, wanting to find out why the vehicle fell.

Danny went to the edge of the island and sat down, touching his core and extending the feeling of cold, he closed his eyes and focused, connecting with the zone to find where they were, they were near Skulker's island. That was good, he had gotten on good terms with Skulker since they both enjoyed hunting, the mechanical ghost usually stayed away from Amity park and was quite friendly to Danny whenever he visited, the hard part now was to find a way to Skulker's island since there was no land to walk across.

"Danny, I think the flight module overheated!" Tucker called, jogging over to his raven haired best friend. Danny guessed that there wasn't much gas or ectoplasm to power the ship and the module overexerted itself while flying, or Jack put some fudge into the engine without realizing it.

"We're near Skulker so we have some safe territory, but to fix the speeder we have to go to Frostbite." Danny said, frowning, he gulped down the rest of his drink and sighed, tired and stressed.

"Danny! Tucker! What are you doing over there? You'll fall!" Maddie yelled, she moved to get up but hissed in pain, forgetting about the large chunk of metal that dug into her calf. The concern in her voice made Danny laugh a little while Tucker shook his head in amusement, they both shared a thought similar to "She isn't fooling anyone."

Jeff took hold of the metal and pulled it quickly from Maddie's leg, scowling, which looked odd with his glamour, mousy eyes with rosy cheeks and gentle brown hair which didn't fit Jeff's personality at all, Sam snorted gently with laughter at the look on Jeff's face while she dabbed a cotton ball of rubbing alcohol around the wound, a curved needle and spool of surgical thread sat by her knelt form, the first aid kit open beside her, Maddie and Jack had the most serious injuries, so they decided to care for them first, though they didn't like the various curses that exited her mouth, the Creep gang were amused by Maddie's noises of pain. Jeff successfully removed the large piece of metal and put it down away from everyone as Sam picked up the needle and held Maddie's leg, beginning to sew the deep wound shut. She planned to wrap it after closing it, incase any of the thread was to come loose, Jeff examined Jack and noted that he only had a broken wrist, he went to the first aid kit and got a few things to make a temporary split, along with a sling, E.J had just about everything they'd need in his first aid kits. Ben as sorting through the bags and people they might belong to, he was a bit embarrassed to have a few of the nerds and A-Listers alike to compliment his appearance as well. He noticed Danny walked over to Sam and Tucker trailing behind, after finishing his self assigned task he went over to the other Creeps.

"We need to go to Skulker's island, any ideas on getting there?" Danny asked, watching Sam sew Maddie's wound closed, she cut the thread after making a small knot to keep the threat from splitting and grabbed a roll of gauze, beginning to wrap it around Maddie's leg as Jeff made a splint for Jack's wrist and used another roll of gauze as a case around his hand and his forearm, Danny looked to the rest of the class and saw the groups they sat in, A-lists with the A-lists and nerds with the nerds, he gently huffed, Sam wasn't sure if it was annoyance or laughter. They'd have to get moving soon though.

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