✎Chapter 1✐

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"We're out of school?" Sugawara Koshi asked as you read out an email from Karasuno high school. "Yeah, apparently people are getting covid around here so we're on lockdown for the next two weeks."

You and Sugawara were not related, you were at his house with his family while you attended Karasuno high school, but a few days ago his family left for a trip leaving you and him alone, and now you two were stuck at home, alone. 

"You should text your parents, and I need to go call mine" You said before getting up and going to the room you were using while staying there.

Sugawara sent a quick text to his parents before he was called by Daichi.
"Hey, did you hear about the lockdown?" Daichi asked when Sugawara answered the call. "Yeah, {Name} told me about it, and I was thinking, this lockdown thing might not be so bad, I mean my family is away right now and so {Name} and I are alone-"
"Are you planning on making moves on {Name}? I thought you weren't going to do that since you don't know when they're going back home." Daichi asked, confused.

"I was.. But if we do get closer, I'm not complaining" Sugawara replied before you walked out of your room and over to him. "So I think we should go to the store and pick up some stuff before they close, are you talking to your parents?" You asked as you gathered your things to get ready to leave. "No it's just Daichi. But yeah going to the store would be smart." He said before saying bye to Daichi and hanging up and going to the store with you.

After you two got home, Sugawara helped you put stuff away. "I guess we weren't the only ones with the idea to go shopping." He said while putting stuff away. "Yeah but now at least we're good for the next two weeks." You replied. "So what's for dinner?" He asked after unpacking all the stuff you guys bought. 

"I'm making mapo tofu." You said and watched Sugawara's face light up when he heard. "My favorite!" He smiled and wrapped his arms around you, Sugawara liked giving hugs so you were used to him hugging you out of no where. "Yeah I know that's why I'm making it" You said, slightly pushing him away. "Now if you want it I need to go get started." You said as you walked towards the kitchen while Sugawara went to his room to call Daichi.

"Daichi things are already going wrong, they're making my favorite meal but they pushed away my hug! They never do that." He complained and sat down on his bed. "You have two weeks, Suga you'll be fine, I'd talk to Kiyoko about it, she's good with relationship advice." Daichi replied. "That's a good idea! Yeah I'll call her later-" Sugawara was cut off by you calling for him from the kitchen. "Oh- that's them- I'll text you later Daichi." He quickly hung up and rushed towards the kitchen. "Is something burning? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. You just laughed at his nervousness. "I just need help cutting some stuff." You replied and watched Sugawara sigh from relief. "Yeah I can help" He said and walked over and stood behind you. 

"I've never been good at cutting things well" You said before Sugawara leaned over you and put his hands on top of yours. "I'll show you how to do it" He said as he started to help you cut the ingredients.  You obviously did not expect that so you were a bit flustered. "Suga- you could've just showed me-" You said as Sugawara continued to help you.

"I know, but it was funny seeing your reaction." He said, laughing. "You are so annoying Suga" You said as you two finished cutting up the ingredients together. "Well your stuck with me for at least another two weeks." He replied, patting your head. "I'll let you finish." He said before leaving the kitchen.

You continued working on cooking while what happened replayed in your head. "Something is wrong with that guy.." You mumbled. 

"Suga, the foods ready!" You called out after you finished cooking and had set the table. Sugawara was quick to run over and sit down at the table. "It looks so good {Name}!" He said as he looked at his plate.
"I hope you like it" You said as you both started eating. "This is really good {Name}" He said after taking a bite, you were used the hearing compliments on your cooking but he seemed a lot happier since it was his favorite meal. "I'm glad you like it Suga- I've never made something like this so I'm glad it was good."

After you both finished eating you started cleaning but Sugawara stopped you. "You cooked, I'll clean" He said quickly and started cleaning everything.

You went to your room while Sugawara cleaned, the first thing you did was call your close friend Nishinoya. "Noya- So I took your advice and made his favorite food and asked him for help and he did the thing you told me he would do!" You told him, because before going to the store you texted Nishinoya and he gave you advice on what to do so that you and Sugawara could get closer while you were alone. "I see you {Name}" He replied, you both started talking about some random topic until Sugawara walked in.
"Hey {Name}- Oh- Who are you talking to?" He asked when he saw you on the phone.

"Oh, it's just Nishinoya that's all." You answered "Why?" 

"No reason." Was all he said before he quickly left.
"That was weird.." You told Nishinoya before you guys switched topics again.

Meanwhile Sugawara was busy texting Kiyoko asking for help. Maybe I'm overstepping it, but hearing them laugh with someone else, especially one of my friends, just makes me feel so.. 







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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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