First kiss

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Johnny: You were walking around school and just before he went back to his friends, he turned around to say bye but You were looking really deeply into his eyes. He leant in and kisses you softly. After you pulled away, he still wanted more so he pulled back in for another kiss. After that one, you had both finally had enough because you had realised you had been kissing for about ten minutes and people were staring.

Bobby: He was meeting your family for the first time and he was talking to your little brother and you realised how nice he was to you little brother and you really enjoyed that they got along so when you walked him outside to go back to his motorbike, you grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He was confused to start off with but then he felt his lips on yours and kissed back.

Tommy: You were taking stuff out of your locker and when you were just about to close Tommy came and slammed it shut as his friends gave him a thumbs up. You said hey to eachother and gave eachother a hug. You still had your arms around his neck and he had his hands around your waist. He looked into your eyes deeply and you did the same back. He leant in and you pulled back to annoy him. He looked at you trying to understand why but when he saw you smiling, he smiled too and kissed you and gently pushed you against your locker.

Jimmy:You were at the park on you were both sat on the swings, talking to eachother and laughing and smiling. Johnny, Tommy, Bobby and Dutch were all hiding in the trees behind you spying on the two of you.Jimmy all of a sudden, got up and held his hand out for you to take. You took it and he lead you to the monkey bars where you sat on top of them, and sat facing each other talking about nothing. You looked down and looked back up to see him already looking at you. You smiled at him and held his hand. He smiled back at you and kissed you as hard as he possibly could without pushing you off. When you pulled away, you fell off the monkey bars and

Does anyone actaully want me to do Dutch? I won't put him in until Ik what to do :)

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