Chapter one- science project

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Ahhh new story >_< I was inspired by a story very similar to this lol

George walked into class and plopped down in his seat. He wasn't very popular but he was the smart kid, so people tend to only talk to him for answers, which he genuinely didn't mind. He sat there on his phone waiting for the class to start.

The room was filled with kids yelling and talking. He sat in the back of the class beside Dream. Dream was the cute guy at the school, or at least that's what everyone said. Dream only had talked to George when he needed answers for his work just like everyone else.

He was seen as someone who was confident and had a huge untouchable ego. George always had seen him differently though. He saw that Dream was softer than what he showed. Bringing George a candy every day. George had no idea why he was the only person Dream was actually nice to. "Here, it's a snickers. Your favorite, right?" Dream interrupted his thoughts as he passed the candy to him. George looked up to the blushy blond.

"Yeah," he smiled softly. "Thank you" Dream sat beside him in his seat.

He watched the boy place it somewhere on his desk, he stared at his side profile before speaking again. "Um... I was wondering if you would want to help me with something?" Dream asked. He had a crush on George, he hated seeing people mess with George or even smile at him. He couldn't make it obvious because he was scared of people knowing he actually liked guys.

"Sure. What is it?" George asked. "It's a science project I have in another class. I don't pay attention that much, but you do. it's going to take up most of my grade if I don't do good." Dream explained. "So you'd probably have to come over if you were gonna help me."

"Oh, I'd love to help. I have to ask my mom if I can come over though" George said. A small grin grew on dreams face. "Thank you so much, i have no one that would help me" Dream said in relief. "I'll text her right now, is today ok?" George looked up from his phone to Dream.

"Yes!" Dream chirped, regretting sounding so excited, "you can come with me after school." The blond suggested. "Ok, she said yes"

"you asked already?" Dream furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, I just texted her." George showed him the messages. "Cool,"

After an hour of their final class, Dream packed his back pack. Putting in his empty note book which he wrote nothing in, inside his back pack. He turned to see George standing and waiting for him.

Dream felt his heart start to beat a bit harder. He stood up and walked with smaller. "After we do the project we can hang out, if that's ok with you" George smiled up at Dream, realizing how tall he was. "Yeah, we can" they made their way to the front of the school.

"My mom drives me s-" George started. "I know, you don't have a car because your mom drops you off every morning" Dream finished. The other fell speechless. Confused on how he knew. He only saw Dream in their last class. "Here, this is my car" Dream unlocked it, opening the door for him.


"Your house is actually pretty big" George looked out the window as Dream pulled into his driveway. "Yeah, no one is home by the way so it's just us" Dream stopped the car and jumped out. They walked to the door and entered the house. The feeling was off to George.

He just followed Dream upstairs and to his room, ignoring the feeling of discomfort. "Do you want some tea before we do stuff?" Dream asked as he sat on his bed. "Tea? Sure" George accepted. "Alright, I'll go get it, I'll be right back" The taller smiled and stood up, leaving the room and closing the door. Dreams room was dark, only being lit up by his led lights that were on blue. The room was kind of dirty to.

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