Chapter seventeen- im so sorry lilly

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Important- Hi! There may be some disturbing subjects here like death/blood and family problems, be careful reading this if you don't like that:) if u rlly don't like it and u like this story I'll summarize the chapter at the bottom.

George unlocked the front door to his house with the house key in his pocket. Before walking in, he glanced behind him at the car. The blond inside nodded. George went inside and closed the door without locking it, so Dream could come in after.

It was 5 am now, but still dark. He made his way upstairs and slowly opened his younger sisters door, entering her room. His older sister was in the room next door.

The little girl was sound asleep in the bed. George sat beside it, It was low so he could see her from sitting down. She was small. Only 6 years old. He watched her chest rise and fall with each breath. Her lashes were long and pretty. "I love you. I'm so sorry Lilly." George whispered. He could hear a door open and close downstairs. Someone walking upstairs on the wooden steps.

George only looked at his little sister, apologizing over and over even though she couldn't hear him. His parents room was down the hall, their door opened. It was the only room with double doors. It went completely quiet. Silence continued for a few minutes.

George took deep breaths to attempt to calm himself down.

There is it was. A loud shot. Another one, another one. And two more. So loud, it echoed through out the whole house and probably the neighborhood. The brunette looked at his sister who's eyes were opening. One more loud shot. "What the fuck is going on?" He heard his sister yell in the next room. "George?" The young voice said sleepily. "Hey baby, go to sleep, I'm here" the girl looked at her brother confused, but she laid back down, staring at him.

There was a soft knock on the door. George stood up slowly, his hands were shaking violently, regret coursed through his body, a shitty feeling. He opened the door and looked up at the blond. His hair was damp and fell over his head. His pretty green eyes looked down at him. George looked down at the trash bag Dream was holding. The money from his parents vault. "Ready?" He asked softly.

"You did it already?" George asked very quietly with a crack in his voice. "George we gotta go. Your sisters are awake and the whole neighborhood is up now. Are you ready?" Dream asked again, less soft. "Yeah" the brunette mumbled. Dream grabbed George's arms and led him downstairs and outside. George was speechless. He couldn't be mad at Dream for anything because it was only his fault. Before he knew it they were on the road already. Driving while the sun began rising. They had enough gas to go for a few hours.

It was like Dream knew exactly how George felt, he didn't say anything. He just had this calm face while he drove. "They're dead? Like.. dead dead?" George asked. "Are you hungry? We're about to pass a few places" Dream ignored the question. It bothered George but he knew Dream was only trying to help him forget, which wasn't gonna happen anytime soon. Give that 10 years.

"No." George turned his gaze to the glove compartment in front of him. "Im scared"

"Don't be"

"Your gonna go to jail. This isn't gonna work. We can't just say we're going to live in New York and it just happens, where are we even going right now?" George was obviously panicking. "I'm trying not to talk about it right now but.. I do this a lot, I'm not going to jail. I'm going to a bank to put the money in my account and-"

"All of it?!"

"No like 500$. Then we can go to a hotel and stay there for a while and I'll worry about where we go from then on. You don't have to worry about anything. Got it?" Dream gave a reassuring smile. "I left my sisters alone. They're gonna hate me forever." George stared ahead at the wet roads. "It's not your fault, it's mine. Take a nap, you gotta be tired"

I'll stay with you - dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now