Twenty Four

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"Taehyung, do you hear that?' I nudged the half-asleep guy beside me with my elbow.

"Y/n, for fucks sake please go to sleep and let me sleep," he mumbled, a groan leaving his mouth making me frown. What kind of guy is he? Here I'm getting scared by those freaking animals howling but all he wants to do is sleep?!

"I really hate you," I mumbled, getting as far away from him as I could, and turning to face the opposite site. The fire that we had ignited earlier was still burning outside, a little of it was visible through the tent.

Out of nowhere I heard another howl making me flinch and almost scream and the sudden noise but I put my hand over my mouth and held it in. This is making me go crazy I'm so tired of this. I- this was a bad idea. I want to go home...

I heard shuffling behind me which I guess was Taehyung shifting the other way, but to my slight surprise, I felt an arm snaking around my body, hugging me tightly. I would've said it would been- you know this cliche movie's romantic thing but it all changed when he also put his leg over mine.

"YAH! TAEHYUNG! MOVE YOUR LEG AWAY IT'S HEAVY!" I complained whining, trying to push his leg away but in vain. He was way too heavy for me!

I wiped away my fake tears, a fake forced smile on my face as I looked up at the kinda translucent ceiling of the tent, the stars slightly visible.

Why is my life like this?


Taehyung inched closer, looking at my lips and for some reason, I did the same. Before I could process what was happening, I felt his soft lips on mine and I immediately—

"Yah! Yah! Why are you kissing your arm?" I heard Taehyung shook me, keeping the back of his hand on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes to see his face near mine, a fake concern plastered on his face.

"I don't think you're sick at all," he said as if thinking something. I frowned and slapped his hand away, as he faked as if hurt by me.

I rolled my eyes but immediately blushed red when I realised what had happened

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I rolled my eyes but immediately blushed red when I realised what had happened. For real y/n? You were kissing Taehyung in your dreams?! And he saw you kissing your fucking arm! What am I supposed to say now?!

"What did you even dream about?"

I acted as if I was disgusted at him

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I acted as if I was disgusted at him.

"What are you even thinking, you pervert?!" I said and looked away. Jeez, if he knows about my dream-

"Then what?" Taehyung asked our of nowhere making me taken aback. Gosh how can I forget he can read minds too?

"Nothing. Pack, we are leaving. I ain't spending another day here." I said and walked away to pack my stuff. Taehyung pouted for a second but went back on packing his stuff.

Is today the 12th day?


3 more days to go..

Ugh! Forget it y/n! Just enjoy the rest of the days that are left.

"T—" I was about to call for him as I turned around but saw him gone. Ugh now I'll have to unpack everything by myself. Why is life so hard?!

As I started unpacking stuff, I felt a weird sensation. It was as if...someone was watching me? I turned around hut there was no one. Am I just...being paranoid? Maybe...

I turned back and continued doing my work but there it was— the sudden feeling was back. This time I pretend to do my work but then suddenly turned around only to find a face inches away from me.

"J-Jimin? The fuck?" I almost shouted at his face but he just raised his eyebrow at me. I frowned, not understanding why he was even here now. According to me, I had paid off my 'debt' and had nothing to do with him. So what now?

He walked around the room, not saying anything making me frown even more. What is he upto now?
Suddenly, he slammed his hand on the  table that was in the room making me slightly flinch as my eyes widened.

"We," he started, narrowing his eyes at me.  "Are going to bake cakes today," he completed. There was silence for a moment and none of us said anything.

"What?" I finally blurted, surprised. Cakes? H-how-what that was so very random.


"Because I said so. Now c'mon," he snapped his fingers and in the next second we were in our kitchen.

Okay, I don't think it's gonna be that hard since I kind of know how to bake them but still, I turned towards Jimin.

"Do you know how to bake a cake?"

He stared blankly at me. "No,"

Oh Jesus this is gonna be hard.

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