Chapter 4: Home Visit

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Izuku sat miserably in his office chair, pouring over the papers Tsukauchi brought him. Bakugo was still out patrolling, checking in with his contacts while Shoto had gone off to meet the backup he'd called in. Izuku searched every square inch of that place but he'd come up with nothing. The people that Shoto had detained were also missing, most likely part of the illusion.

The illusion. That bothered him. They were physical forms, he hadn't known any quirk that could make solid illusions before. He'd met plenty of quirks that could create copies or clones of people. There were also a variety of illusions but this seemed on a completely different scale.

He'd originally suspected the gas but now he was second-guessing himself. Shoto hadn't been exposed to the gas when he fought off the people on the ground. There had to be a different source, which meant someone else was there.

It might also explain why his quirk stopped working. That scared him. Quirks that could disable your own were quite rare as it was and he'd had bad run-ins with some of those in the past.

Whoever they were, they knew how to cover their tracks which irritated him to no end and he didn't want to risk bringing in too many people, no matter how much he wanted, on this. If word of your abduction got out, villains might seize the opportunity to use this against him or give him false leads.

Tsukauchi brought the two men in for interrogation but he hadn't heard back from him. Shoto managed to convince him to come back to his office, he was in no state to go rampaging through the police station and cause a commotion. He'd have to wait for Tsukauchi's report.

All Might sat across from him looking through the second stack of papers. He'd kept quiet, figuring nothing he could say to his successor would cheer him up and he was right.

Izuku slammed the papers in his hands on the desk. "This isn't helping! Nothing in here is what I'm looking for!"

All Might set down the papers and stared at him a little shocked. Izuku was emotional everyone knew that, but this was a new side to him that he'd never seen. Bakugo had called All Might before Izuku was pulled back to the office and filled him in on what had happened on the roof. Izuku had ravaged that man's arm with unnecessary force. His emotions were way too out of control to be leading this mission. All Might was his mentor but trying to find the right words to say was hard.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth but Izuku stood suddenly, his chair nearly toppling behind him. He was staring out the office window and All Might followed his gaze.

Three people were heading towards the office. In the lead was Shoto, behind him came Ochaco and Tenya, both of whom he could read the worry on their faces, even from the distance.

Shoto knocked and opened the door.

Ochaco ran past him and grabbed Izuku's arm. "How are you doing?" Her eyes flickered over his face, he supposed all those bruises weren't doing him any favors at the moment.

Tenya walked up to his other side and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We came as soon as we heard."

Izuku looked between them, his hands were shaking and holding onto his calm facade was getting harder and harder to keep up by the second. Shoto quietly shut the door and closed the blinds as Izuku collapsed in his seat, head buried deep in his hands.

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