chapter five

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TW: distressing themes of violence

A messenger arrived in Galadia confirming our anticipated appearance in Dubrawn.

It is absolutely dire we meet at once. A message so grim from The Oracle proves our worst nightmares are sadly becoming a dark reality. We must take all precautions necessary to prevent catastrophe. Come to Dubrawn with your closest advisors; we will need all hands on deck, I'm afraid. We look forward to our first meeting with you, Queen Lockwood. Safe travels to all.


Mr. and Mrs. Clarilon, presiding King and Queen of the Kingdom of Dubrawn

After making a few arrangements for the next morning, we were set and ready to travel towards Dubrawn. The safety of this trip was critical, considering the previous attacks along the very roads we had no choice but to travel.

"This damned headache will not let me be," Giles groaned as he sat up straighter on his seat.

Myself, Giles, Harry, and Redmond had all been placed into a closed carriage early that morning as we set out towards the other kingdom. To ensure our safety, four guard members sat on horseback around the transport. In front reigning the horses was a driver and one more guard member for good measure.

I looked over at Giles as he uncomfortably rubbed his temples. The glistening cuts on his face I had once seen were now nothing more than scabbed over scratches slowly fading into nothingness. Ada had done a wonderful job at nursing him back to full health, but he tirelessly complained of a pounding headache that wouldn't leave.

"Maybe a nap would help," Redmond suggested as his eyes remained focused on the papers in his hands. He shuffled through a few before pushing his reading glasses up his nose.

"Do you know how much napping my life consists of?" Giles sneered with a look of disgust.

"Just a thought," Redmond mumbled as he shrugged.

I looked over at Harry whose eyes were adamantly set out the small window on his side. The ground outside was still damp from the immense rain of the last few days and the sky had shifted back to a gloomy gray. It was morning, but there wasn't even a crack in the wall of clouds to allow the sun to peek through.

"Have you met them?" I spoke as I looked over at Redmond. His eyes darted up to me a moment before looking back down at the papers. "The Clarilons?"

"No," he said before lowering the papers slightly. "this is the first in a very long time that our kingdoms have had any sort of communication."

"They're very kind," Giles murmured with his eyes shut tight, his fingers rubbing deep into his temples.

"You have?" I asked. It should have come as no surprise that he had, but nonetheless, I was shocked.

"A long time ago, yes," he said as he let his hands fall into his lap and opened his bloodshot eyes. "very loyal family; always stick to their word and hold firm to their values."

I let out a sigh of relief at the sentiment Giles had shared with us. Knowing Philip to be such a kindhearted friend had given me a sliver of hope about his rulers, but Giles confirming it made my hope ten times stronger than before.

I smoothed my hands along the delicate embroidery of my baby blue dress, thinking of the long day that was surely ahead for all of us when a loud yell from outside broke my train of thought.

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