Chapter 43 Anacondrai Generals

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"Would you trust a snake?" I say, showing Pythor the black and purple scales along my arm. He jumped up, "I didn't think it would happen so soon."

"None of us did," Garmadon says, coming into view of Pythor.

"Ugh Garmadon, didn't know you got bitten by an Ancondrai too," comments Pythor, tilting his head upward.

"I didn't. Chen performed a dark spell that turned everyone with an Ancondrai tattoo into a snake."

"Chen? Haven't seen him since the Serpentine War when you betray us!"

I roll my eyes picking up the small Pythor, "I don't care about what happened during the Serpentine War. You will have another war if we don't find out why Chen wants you."

"Jeez, you are scary for your size."

"And you are not. Garmadon, can you take him?" I asked holding out the annoying Pythor to him, which he gladly takes into his hand. A small drop of sweat falls from Pythor's head onto Garmadon's hand, making his purple scales grow there.

"So, that is why Chen wants him," Lloyd states.

"With Pythor, he would be able to finish the transformation."

"Breach! Break-in! They are breaking in! Oh no, they are here... uh I- I- guys, please. No!" an officer shouts over intercome. I could hear the prisoners cheering and banging on their cells in joy.

"They already know about Pythor," Wu comments. "Ninja, protect Pythor by keeping them busy. You two will stay here and help us." He points his staff at Lloyd and me.

Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole head out to the two fake Anacondrai snakes to fight. Even if this fight is four versus two, the ninja was getting it handed to them. No one can win against an Anacondrai, they are the strongest Serpentine in the world.

"What did you mean by us betraying you in the Serpentine War? You were the ones that betrayed us."

"No, you were the ones that betrayed us! We were told you were going to go against us!"

"It seems Chen made this happen. We had no intention of fighting you."

"Yeah, yeah. But, you did."

A loud sound of some metal moving rang throughout the prison. I peek outside of Pythor's cell to see all of the prisoners were released, every single one. One immediately say me and began to charge at me. I sighed and summoned a ball of light in my hand and tossing it at the prisoner.

"Uh, guys? We got to get going," I announce throwing another one at a pirate that was going to attack Cole from behind. Knocking him down, he angrily shook his hook at me calling me a pajama woman. Don't know his issue with pajamas.

"You are joking, right? You lost Pythor?" I stare at Lloyd, brushing off the dirt from my scales.

"Well, yeah. I don't know how though, he was in my hand then he was gone," he says showing me his empty hands.

I took a deep breath looking around the room. Nya was talking to Wu, Garmadon, and Misako about something. "I'm not mad at you. I just..."

"I'm sorry. I know you wanted to talk to him about the Serpentine Blood," he reaches out grabbing my hand, pulling my attention back to him. "I promise you this. You will find out everything about Serpentine Blood, and I will make sure of it."

I let out a small giggle as I smiled up at him. One of these days, I will tell hi. When everything is calm and we don't have to worry about fighting the enemy. It can just be us for a moment. "I know you will make sure. For as long as I have known you, you never have failed to make anyone happy."

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