Chapter 1

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  Rules. Are they made to show athority. Maybe to keep peace. Maybe to keep people under the rules thumbs. Are they made to expose people's weaknesses and submissiveness? Are they made to show people's need of power? Are they made to keep us from power? My father thought differently. He saw the rules as a way to separate us from animals, it's the only thing that separated us from animals, until he one day did become an animal. He followed rules to maintain his formality and to show that no matter what rules there are, you'll always find a way to get it your way without breaking the rules. Until one day, my father broke a rule that shot the world clean of it's surprise.

  There's two main rules we all are supposed to live by whether we know it or not. Rule 1, No Killing on continental grounds. Rule 2, every blood marker must be honored. It's as simple as that, and the rest you can do willingly. Obviously, every action and decision you make outside of those rules come with consequences from other people, a sense of betrayal and heart break. Not me.  My father followed the rules, until one day, he had one opportunity to kill someone, and he took it without even thinking. Animals. Instincts. My father killed Santino D'Antonio, and was made Excomunicato. Which means, he was wanted all over the world with no privileges or help from a single person. I'm Y/n Wick, son of John Wick.

  Nobody knew John Wick had a son until they ran DNA tests and I showed people a picture of my Dad and I together when I was younger to prove he was my Dad. And the same thing was always said by everyone, 'You have his eyes' or 'You have his hair' or 'You have his nose' or 'You have his hands'. Wierd, I get it, after a while it just got annoying of people telling me I was a spitting image of him. Not that I wasn't proud of it, just the fact people always talked about that whenever they found out about me being the son and related to John Wick. Currently, now, I'm on a mission.  Working to get someone killed for a pay of $7,000,000. He must be super special to have someone out a bounty on his head for that much, or he just never paid for child support, which ever is a valid answer. I didn't really honestly care about the situation, people always have me everywhere to shoot someone or to bring someone back alive.

  I saw the cars pass by, seeing his car approaching in the midst of other cars similar to his. His side of the car was opened by a body guard looking type of guy, and instantly I got the glimpse of him I needed. I have a photographic memory, meaning almost everything I see is stuck in my memory and easily accessible any time. Fun isn't it? This was the guy. I got my Barret mrad 338  out of it's case and looked through the scope, seeing the man's face as clear as the picture was when shown to me. I waited until he was going to enter the building he was in so there would be a multi optional shooting range of places from outside and inside the structure to add more suspicion to this case when police find out, plus my bullets go through people's bodies so it'll be easy to see which way the bullet came from, but not what kind of bullet it would be. See, I specially customized my bullets a little. As per usual, they'd withstand the shot of a gun, but by the time it reaches it's in coming target, it enters the target, releasing a non traceable gun powder to poison the target, and leave the bullet completely shattered once it exists the target, having to go to a multitude of places.

  He was lead up the stairs, ready to walk in until he just fell down after I pulled my trigger. Seeing the slight burst of blood spray in the near by people's faces, they quickly scattered all over the places like a mislead colony of ants, and I of course began to backup my sniper rifle emeidiatly. I quickly brought the bag over my shoulder, texting the anonymous person that the target was shot and killed, and they instantly sent the money to me. Easy as that. I walked down the steps of the near by church I was by, unfortunately I was under the gonging bells, so I had to really control myself when tye church rung the bells on me. I saw the priest look at me wierdly as I walked out the room and into a middle of a baptismal ceremony. "Cleaning the bells and taking the rust off of them, my apologies." I said, getting a reasuring smile and nod by the priest, walking out and into the bright new day with 7 million extra dollars added to my banking account.

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