(21) Mellifluous

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I saw
when I
saw him
- Ben Maxfield

I saw foreverwhen I saw him- Ben Maxfield

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"E-Everyone..." Mina cried with Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sato at her side. I had been barely walking into class and slowed my speed once noticing their gloominess. "I'm looking forward to hearing all your stories of how fun camp was." She sobbed.

Midoriya and Sero were next to them, attempting to calm their spirits with optimism.

Although it had been a day or two, my head still wasn't back to normal. It wasn't as horrible as it was initially, but there was a strong discomfort that was stabbing my brain.

"Hey," I smiled at Bakugou who had been sitting at his desk on his phone. He was no longer pale and seemed to be in much better condition than before.

How relieving.

"How's that head of yours?" He wondered, leaning over and flicking it. I swatted his hand away, the smirk on his face being as big as ever.

"Fineish. Been sleeping more than usual which I feel is a waste sometimes. I could be doing something else but my body says otherwise." I groaned, hand smashed into my cheek.


I turned around to see Kaminari's fingers gouged into Midoriya's eyes, one finger in each.

"Well..." I slowly turned back to see Bakugou enjoying Midoriya's pain. "You're so mean to him."

"Would you rather me laugh at your pain or the damn nerd's?" He retorted, eyes lazily glaring toward my direction.

I crossed my arms, pouting as my face looked away from his. "... Him, I guess," I mumbled sheepishly from my resist to admit.

His tongue clicked behind his teeth with a "tsk" sound. "Attagirl." He smirked in satisfaction.

My face frozen, reddening slightly at his comment.

"Once the bell rings you should be in your seats," Aizawa demanded, slamming the door open. Everyone's shoes patted against the ground as they ran to their seats.

After, there had been complete silence.

"Morning. Unfortunately, there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams. So when it comes to the training camp in the woods... Everyone is going!" Aizawa announced, smiling, which had been extremely strange to see.

"It's a last-minute twist!" The nervous-before group yelled.

"Guys, the yelling," I whined, covering my ears to protect my sensitive mind. Recovery girls would ruin me if I worsened my concussion instead of improving it.

"We really get to go to camp?" Kirishima asked, full of extreme excitement.

Mina had tears building up in her eyes. "Seriously?"

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