Shell in Chat

222 20 0

Ink sighed, he was extremely bored.

Bored bored.

Blue was visiting Blessed, and Dream was checking on another multiverse he was worried on.

Ink... well he was bored, while his true self was still sealing the corruptedverse.

Still, he was glad he'd pulled Dream and Blue out of his own multiverse.

Sealing was a lonely thing, and moving about in his avatars kept him sane. His own multiverse was frozen outside time-space s would not be effected while he was gone.

But until... that broken Fate was defeated or saved, he was stuck sealing her.

He pulled out his phone and flipped through messages and so on, most of them were normal events.

Hmm.. the last one from Umbra and Shade was that they were about to go save Ser/Solas.

Stars darn it he was bored.


Smiling he opened his chat program, and sent quite a few invites.

Nautilus Invited Bluebird, Godramode, Reincarnation Specialist, Soul Hunter, Nomad, Purple Glitch, Insanity Plea, Cookie King to 'Trolls unite'

Bluebird: Why is my name Bluebird?

Soul Hunter: How did you get my number?

Nautilus: Because your a Blue, and flew like a bird. And Retconned gave me your number Shatter <3

Retconned: Sorry Shatter :(

Bluebird: Once... I flew once... and that was before I was Blue

Soul Hunter: Its fine, should have known he'd get it

Nautilus: Should I be be insulted?

Soul Hunter: Nah

Reincarnation Specialist: Sorry Guys no time to chat tonight

Reincarnation Specialist has left chat

Nomad: Pff.. you guys are hilarious

Insanity Plea: Needs more glitter!

Purple Glitch: I have no clue who any of you are?

Bluebird: Don't worry that's normal

Retconned: What's normal? Also why Glitter?

Insanity Plea: Everything needs glitter

Nautilus: Don't break your multiverse please Emerald!

Unknown Has entered Chat

Nautilus: Hello, who's this?

Unknown: Who ate my Skittles?

Purple Glitch: I haven't had Skittles in years...

Unknown: You poor thing, but still... who ate them!

Bluebird: Try elsewhere.. we are in other parts of the multiverse
Unknown: I see

Unknown has left chat

Nautilus: Pretty sure I made this server Private

Godramode: Hackers right

Nautilus: Ah, you've been very quiet tonight

Godramode: Sorry, my kid's storytime

Nautilus: That's fine

Fire: I see your all having fun

Nautilus: FIRE!

Retconned: Fire!

Nautilus: How and when did you get here?

Fire: I was here the whole time

Fire leaves chat

Insanity Plea: Ohh... burned

Nautilus: Its one of these days isn't it?


Shell- Nautilus

Blue Fate- Bluebird

God Blue – Godramode

Repent Reaper- Reincarnation Specialist

Shatter Palette – Soul Hunter

The Traveller – Nomad

Static Lust – Purple Glitch

Emerald Harry Potter- Insanity Plea

Retconned- Cookie king

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