A Christmas Miracle

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 “I can't believe you waited until Christmas Eve to buy your sister's present.” I said.

Kyle, my boyfriend of four years and I have been walking around the local mall for the past hour. Apparently he's waiting for inspiration to hit him. He refuses to buy something before the 'moment' happens and he gets the 'feeling'.

Brianne, honey, you need to relax.” Kyle smiled at me.

I'll relax once you have a bag in your hands indicating that you've purchased something for you sister.”

We continued walking towards the middle of the mall. Kyle was one lucky man. The mall is usually closed on Christmas Eve but they made an exception this year because of a big number of demands from people wanting to take their picture with Santa.

I don't know why I'm dating him. Kyle's so last minute while I'm so organized. I guess it's true. Opposites attract.

Brianne, we should go take our picture with Santa!” Kyle said suddenly.

No. Don't you think we're a bit old for that?” I argued.

You're never too old for Santa. Come on, Bri.”

Fine, but you owe me.” I sighed.

So, at Kyle's request, we got in line for our picture. Luckily, the line wasn't very long. In under ten minutes, we were sitting on each side of Santa.

What would you two like for Christmas?” Santa asked us.

I'm happy with what I have.” I said smiling at Kyle. “I don't need anything else.”

What about you?” Santa directed his question to Kyle.

Well..” Kyle said getting up. He proceeded to get down on one knee. I gasped. “For Christmas, I want Brianne to be my wife. So, Brianne Clayton, will you marry me?”

Of course!” I jumped in Kyle's arms and kissed him. Kyle put the ring on my finger as we sat back down beside Santa.

A Christmas MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now