I Will Live On

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Allie takes a deep breath before she raised her hand and knocked on the door. It was beige in color with a window in the center, and from where she stood she could see movement. She took a step back and nervously fiddle with the edge of her shirt, waiting for the door to open.

It took her hours to mentally prepare for today. Hell she shoved two packets of tissues and a thing of advil in her jacket pocket. Knowing she was going end up crying at some point. Honestly she feels likes that's all shes done the last week alone, was cry. Life is cruel, Allie knows that. Having lived through many shitty storms. But nothing is more cruel or brutal then losing a love one, a spouse. And let's face it, they might not had a full year together or even had married. But both her and Bea willingly had mentioned they were each others forever. And seeing how Bea left her everything in her will only proved the point to a T. So if someone asked, yes shes a widow. Her wife died a tragic death. And thats all people need to know.

The door opens, bringing Allie out of her sad thoughts and she confronted and overwhelmed by the beaming smile on the man's face.

"I'm so glad you came Allie! Come in, come in." Richard says with excitement in his voice as he leans back on his cane.

Allie smiles as she enters the house, feeling the since of home wash over her. She hasn't felt that in forever, well not since her. She felt her eyes start sting and she cursed herself for already starting. She quickly rubbed her eyes to try to get the stinging to stop. Once it did she finally turned to the beaming man.

"I told you I would sir." Allie says kindly.

"Well I'm glad. Quit calling me sir! We're practically family!" Richard says a he closes the door and moves them deeper into the house.

As Allie follows the older man, she sees glimpses of family photos as they walk by, her heart jumping around everytime she saw Bea in them.

"Deb, honey. Bumbles girls here." Allie smiled at the nickname as they entered into a large kitchen. Allie silently searching the room for exits and possible danger. A habit she had yet to break from prison.

"Hello dear, it's nice to meet you." An older woman with thick curly hair that had streaks of gray running through her ebony coloring. She was small in height, compared to her and Richard. But what made her silently gasp was how much the woman reminded her of Bea.

Bea definitely got her looks from her parents, there wasnt any doubt that these kind people were the redheads.

"Hello ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you." Allie says quickly wiping her sweaty hand on her pants, before she reached a hand out to shake in greeting.

Debra looked at the hand and then pushed it away before she drew the blonde into a tight hug. "Not to be rude dear. But I'm a hugger." The older woman says with a laugh as she pulls back and motions for her and Richard to take a seat at the table. Her laugh reminded her of Bea so much and once more Allie feels her chest constrict tightly.

Once the pair sat at the table, Debra getting them each a cup of tea. Richard turned his attention to the blonde.

"How you settling in lovey?" Genuine concern and care was so clearly heard. Allie never had that. And if she did, she sure as hell can't remember when it was ever directed at her.

"Huh, well it like running in water. Slow going and just about overwhelming. But I'm getting there, I finally got a phone and I'm staying at some friends place."

"Well I'm glad you have a stable place to stay."

"Me too." Allie bites her lip, pondering her next set of words before they leave her mouth. But she knows what she's about to say, needs to be said, they need to talk about it.

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