Winning a gamble

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After I played a card game with chips a man came up to me and said "would you like to challenge me to a game" I said "ok but for what?" He said "if you win you get as much money as you want-" you cut him off and said "I don't want money but I do need a job" he look confused and just shrugged it off and said "if I win-" he revealed himself to be the devil and continued "I get your soul" you said deal and played y'all ended up tieing and then you won the tiebreaker he look shocked he said "w-what HOW DID YOU WIN!?!?" I said "I've been doing this for awhile" you looked at chips and smiled and then you said "now that job I said I wanted..." he said in order to work here you had to move closer to here little did he know that you lived about five, ten minutes from here. He asked if you would and you said "there is no need I already live like five to ten minutes from here" he then gave you your uniform and said "tomorrow you start training with dice" the name sounded familiar but you shrugged it off and when home and told your brother about everything that happened and about your new job...

HAHA cliff hanger!! U<U sorry that this chapter is again so short but I have NO ideas so.... I need help ;-;

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