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   What an ordinary day it was for such an elderly man to be sworn out of the family business. Felix Easton Sr was finally stepping down to let his son Felix Easton Jr step in and finally run the family business. At first glance Sir Felix looked like a kind ageing man, but those who were familiar with him knew about the countless deaths under him. He was finally retiring after postponing it for quite a while. He wanted to make sure his son was 100% ready to lead such a big family.

"It's been 40 years since I was first sworn in. 40 years I have spent dedicating myself to this family. We have grown to not only be respected by our enemies but also the general public. It was not an easy feat. It's now time for me to finally dedicate the remaining years I have left to tending to my home, Saint John. As you already know I'm always a phone call away." The elderly man spoke up.

The meeting being held was a goodbye meeting, one in which all 10 executives and shareholders were present. They remained quite as they payed close attention to the ageing Felix's speech.

The main office was located in downtown chicago. The luxurious building owned personally by the elderly Easton, this 30 story building boasted with a high end pool and indoor activities. Although the family had offices across the city and sorounding areas this served as the main building for important meetings.

The Easton family was composed of generations who followed their ancestors foot steps. Known as one of the oldest Mafia families with only one other competing house: The Bruni Italian Mafia house. Originating in 1920 when the first generation Eastons settled in the poorest neighborhood in NY. Seeing no future in NY the eastons moved to Illinois and turned to crime as a means to survive. Extending to many areas across Chicago. It was hard to miss them when they had businesses like pharmacies, grocery stores, bakeries; across the area.

"There is nothing to worry about father. I have always known that I would be putting my whole being into making sure this family remains strong." The young Felix stood.

Only the young Felix and old Felix remained. The meeting had ended on a good note. Most of the executives and shareholder were happy with the new head and Ceo of the company. Something Felix Easton Jr was hoping for. While this was expected for a while, many had no clue when exactly he would be taking over until today. The younger Felix stood by the window. It was a sunny day, clear as day.

"You have never once disappointed me. You have been everything I wanted you to be. Although I can't say the same for your brother. Someone who is Free spirited and a heart that's too good for him but that's besides the point. I'm glad that I can leave here today with a peace mind. Please let Demetrius know I'll come by to tell him my goodbyes." The elderly Felix spoke monotonously.

"Dom will miss you. You know you have spoiled him more than any one I know." The young Felix spoke, keeping his head towards the window. He kept his gazed away from his father. He spoke firmly as he continued.

"Who would have thought that the strict man I grew up with could have such a soft side."

The elderly man stood silently. As though he was questioning himself for an answer.

"The times have changed. 50 years ago we were constantly at war with other families especially with the Bruni house but today things have become peaceful. Our family has evolved into a bigger business involving more legal means. Demetrius would have surely benefit from a stricter upbringing but that is not my ultimate goal. He shouldn't worry about the hardships... at least not right now." He softly spoke, he slowly stood up and headed for the door with one last message to his son.

"Please take care."

2 miles from the main headquarters lays a beautiful newly built building. Right in the heart of Chicago.

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