Your perfect sub

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Dom!blaine and sub!kurt
Very kinky! ;)
Not mine!!

When Blaine Anderson had transferred to Dalton Academy he had been more nervous than he'd ever been in his life. He knew that it was unbecoming of a Dom such as himself but he couldn't help it. He still hadn't been over his beating at the Sadie Hawkins Dance, the way that they had crushed him down until he was nothing. He could still hear them telling him over and over that he wasn't a Dom, that he didn't even deserve to have a sub, that he was nothing. He could still hear Thomas crying and he had wanted to reach him so bad but they hadn't let him. It had gotten into his head and so he had tried to blend in at Dalton, not draw any attention to himself.

The only thing that he had let himself do was to join the Warblers. He loved singing, had loved it since he was a child, and it was his escape. He knew that he was a Dom, had had to sign paperwork and vowed to it to be able to be enrolled in such a prestigious Dom school such as Dalton but it wasn't all that he was. He was more than just a Dom and when he was singing he felt like he was more than that. The Dom status was stripped away and he was just Blaine Anderson, singer and so much more.

Blaine had loved most of the Warblers and had made a friend or two while he was there but he hadn't fit in and the leaders, Sebastian and Hunter, had caught on to that immediately. Sometimes it made Blaine flash back to the Sadie Hawkins Dance because Sebastian and Hunter seemed to think the same thing about him as the bullies. "You aren't fit to be a Dom," Sebastian would say on a regular basis, a cruel smile on his lips.

"You'll never be able to have a sub. You're probably just a closet sub yourself," Hunter had taunted, looking around and smirking at Blaine when the rest of the Warblers followed suit. Blaine just looked at Hunter, wondering why Hunter and Sebastian hated him. Deep inside, he knew that he was a Dom. He knew in the way that they all knew, knew by his dreams and his thoughts and his fantasies and actions. He didn't try to justify himself, though. As long as it wasn't physical, he could take it. And take it, he did. When he was a senior, they won Nationals and, although they would never admit it he had a feeling it had something to do with his solo.

Blaine thinks about all of this as he straightens his tie, looking into the mirror. Kurt sits on the hotel bed behind him, already ready, looking just as delicious as always. "You're overthinking," Kurt murmurs and Blaine meets his eyes in the mirror, trying for a smile. He fails remarkably.

"I feel like I'm walking back into my 16 year old self. You wouldn't have liked my 16 year old self very much," he says after a moment of consideration. As Kurt's Dom, his overwhelming urge is to protect Kurt and let Kurt know that he will protect him no matter what. As Kurt's fiancé, he wants Kurt to know that he's scared shitless.

Kurt smiles knowingly because Blaine has told him enough about his past to know why Blaine is scared. He stands up and steps closer until his chest is pressed against Blaine's back. With that same smile, he reaches around, patting Blaine's hands away so that he can fix his tie. "You're not 16 year old you anymore though," Kurt says softly, stepping back so that Blaine can turn around once his tie is straightened. "You are 28 year old you. You are the man who just this morning tied me up, fucked me so hard it's hard for me to move, put a plug in so that I'm ready whenever you want to take me next and didn't let me come. Then you made me get up and get you coffee. And I've always loved every second of it. They are going to be shocked when they see what an amazing Dom you are. Probably better than the rest of them put together."

Looking into Kurt's eyes, Blaine knows that it's true. He had worked hard through college, shedding his shy and insecure skin and stepping into who he really was. He had experimented with different subs, going into different clubs and places to find ones who were willing to work with somebody so inexperienced. Even after graduating from Dalton, he had still felt inexperienced. A year after his father had died, when he was 23, he had stepped into a club for what seemed like the hundredth time but that time had been different. That time he had met Kurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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