Screw Girls, Kiss Your Homies!

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A/N: To my fellow ADHD peeps, ya'll ever just forget what you had for dinner last night yet you can recite the entire pacer test intro, then the communist manifesto, and all of the gf episode cryptograms in order and which ciphers they used? Yeah, me too, also listen to Movement by Hozier while reading this, just trust me on it.

          Silence for a lot of people was uncomfortable but was especially unnerving for Stanford Pines was noise.

         This was awfully ironic because his best friend loved the babble of hallways and social gatherings, which made sense since Fiddlford had a plethora of family or friends or just people around him constantly around him as a child.

       This even odder since right now these preferences were reversed, Ford was loathing the silence between him and his friend, and all Fidds wanted was the sound of nothing. The murmuring of people around him was enough to drive him up the wall, he wanted no one to say anything. Fidds wanted to disappear off of the face of the planet and cry and scream all at the same time. While Ford wanted his friend to talk, he was obviously upset and was almost always talking about something, and Ford always listened, that's just the way their friendship worked!

       Finally, Ford couldn't take it anymore, "So, how's hyper-engineering?"

"It's fine," Fidds answered through clenched teeth

"How about the progress of getting an apartment for yourself and Emma-May-"

"Can we not talk about her?" Ford flinched at the sudden increase in volume and several people stared at the duo, who they knew to be the smartasses and prodigies of Backupsmore as well as very close friends.

      Ford gently placed a six-fingered hand on his friend's shoulder and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to go back to the room?" Fidds just nodded as his shoulders began to shake.

     A boy rushing his friend around the campus earned less suspicion and stares than Fiddlefords outburst, mental breakdowns and panic attacks were commonplace in the hallways. There wasn't a week that went down without at least three, once or twice a day during finals.

    Fidds sat on Fords' bed as the ladder made some anti-anxiety tea, the stuff was his only reason for not summoning a demon and demanding it eliminate him on the spot. (Which he was in the middle of one night when Fidds came home and threw a leather-bound bible at his head). Ford sat down and rubbed circles in his friend's back, Fidds brought his knees to his chest and stared at nothing.

"Fiddleford, please talk to me," Ford said with enough authority to make Fidds talk, but also enough sympathy to let him know that he was there as a friend to support him. Fidds let out a shaky sigh, he sounded tired, and he was.

"Things have just been difficult with Emma-May, she told me that I've been distracted she went on this whole rant about how I must not love her and-"

"According to her, what's distracting you?"

        Fiddleford did not want to answer that question, of all things in this world he didn't want to do, he would do anything to not answer this question. "School," Was all Fidds could muster before he let himself collapse into Ford.

"Well, while you are going for your third degree in engineering which shouldn't be feasible to a twenty-four-year-old," Ford stood up and placed his hands on Fidds shoulders, "I know you're lying."

     The eye contact was making Fidds sweat, Emma had said that he was distracted by the person in front of him, his best friend who had always been there for him. And in a friendly way, Ford was attractive, he was funny, he was a genius,  he was all Fidds could think about at times. But Fidds knew two things, Emma-May was very, very, perceptive, and Fidds had seen Ford walk into a wall, (his defense was, "It was sky-colored!" god he was adorable) she noticed when her partner starred a little too long, pushed the label of platonic just a little too much with his friend.

"You can tell me anything Fiddleford, I won't judge-" 

"Ford, I'm gonna need ya to shush,"

"No!" Ford spoke up, he never spoke up. But right now Ford was mad, his best friend wasn't talking to him, Fidds was reluctant to do anything but scowl, and Ford wanted to know why.

"Fiddleford you are going to tell me what is wrong, and you, you're gonna tell me now!"

      Well, now Fiddleford was red as a tomato from his mother's garden and didn't see another choice in the matter of Ford. So he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Fords and after a forever and a half Ford kissed back.

     Fidds pulled away as much as he could with his arms around Ford's neck and Ford's arms around his waist. "Well, I bet you have a guess now." Ford just nodded.

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