Part 18: Jayden

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Anna's POV
"I don't know where to start" i said as fiddled with my hands, "that's ok just start anywhere take your time" ag said. "Well for starters I'm sorry you had to see me like that earlier I don't like crying in front of people it makes me feel weak..." "hey no need to apologize ok I just wanna know if your ok I don't like seeing you like that...did something happen did someone hurt you?" Ag said. "You know what this is stupid I don't wanna talk about this I'm gonna use the restroom I'll be back" I said getting up and walking away, "hey Anna wait" I felt ag grab my hand and pull me closer to her now our faces were inches apart. "I um I- I'm sorry" she said pulling away and clearing her throat. "I don't want you shoving down what's bothering because you'll explode if you do to me Anna I'm here to help you"

"Let's sit down first" i interlocked my hand with hers and I can feel her tighten her grip Emmi was right she does care about me...we both sat down still holding each other's hands she rubs her thumb on my hand and looks up at me...why do I feel so vulnerable to her touch ok shut up Anna this isn't the time. "I saw something or someone that I didn't want to see this morning..." "so that's why you left Finn told me he saw you in the school parking lot but then you had left the school" ag said. "Yeah..." "hey look whatever it is I hope it works out ok for you" "no ag you don't understand the person I saw was my ex boyfriend" her head shot up as I said those words I can see she was worried. "Is he someone your worried about...wait did he hurt you?" Ag said as she let go of my hand

"mentally yes...and physically he would hit me whenever he got mad" "So he abused you? why what type of person would do that" "ag there's a lot about my past that you don't know of" I said. "Yeah...I know but what's his name Anna I'll take care of this I'll protect you" "ag I don't need you to get involved I can handle this...besides I'm not the one in trouble this time". "Why do you mean by that?" Ag said, "it's Olivia she'a dating him I saw her with him this morning" "wait what? Are you sure?" She asked, "yes I'm positive and if she's with him there's no telling what he can do to her" I seen ag clench her fist she probably cares about Olivia too, "ok I gotta tell her I can't let what happen to you happen to her I won't let another person get hurt by Jayden again" she said but wait she knows his name did she already meet him?

"You know his name?" I asked, "yeah I met him just last night Olivia brought him to maya's house and we talked for a bit but that's just about it if I had known he hits women I would've beaten his ass right then and there" "I gotta go I'll catch an Uber to Olivia's house and you can take my car back to my house and stay there" ag said as she got up but I quickly grabbed her hands. "Ag you can't go to Olivia's house like this your mad and I'm mad too but your not in the right mind calm down first then you can go". She clenched her jaw and sighed she was still mad I can tell she wants to kill Jayden, i put my hand on her cheek and looked up at her. It's like every time I look into her eyes I start to develop something for her...but I force those feelings to go away. "Your right I'm sorry I'll calm down first" ag said

"Hey...were you guys about to kiss right now" I turned to my left and seen Brandon standing there with Chloe. Me and ag quickly pulled our hands away and cleared our throats, "no we weren't little dude" ag said as she got down to his height. "Right me and Chloe are done but can we come here again tomorrow today was fun" "yeah of course we can come here anytime little dude" ag said as she picked him up. She's gonna be good with kids someday...we all walked out and made our way to ags car we got in and we  were now on our way back to her house.

Hearing Anna tell me that she was hurt in her past relationship makes me feel so angry how could someone ever do that to a person it's honestly disgusting. She clearly doesn't want my help and that's understandable but I'm still gonna be here for her if that Jayden kid decided to come back to her life. We finally got too my house I noticed that Finn's car isn't here pretty sure he finally went to work. We all walked in Brandon and Chloe went to the kitchen and me Anna sat in the living room. I need to go over to Olivia's house I need to explain to her what kind of guy Jayden is I can't have someone else get hurt ain't no way am I gonna have a person like Jayden near my friends or maya.

"Can I go now please I swear I calmed down?" I asked looking at Anna, "your not calmed down actually so no not yet". "Yes I am" "then explain why your leg is bouncing up and down" crap I forgot about my leg I put my hand on my leg to make it stop. Whenever I get mad or fidgety this happens it's a habit I guess. "If Jayden is there with her how do I know you won't beat his ass once you see him" Anna said, "if I don't come back with a bruised hand then that's how you know I didn't beat him up" I said getting up. "Just...just be careful ok" "yeah of course I always will" I said as I got up but I felt her grab my hand. "What's wrong?" She didn't say anything she got up and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and she let go. "I'll be back ok" she nodded and I made my way outside to my car. I pulled out my phone and called Olivia

*hey ag what's up?" *um hey are you home alone I need to talk to you it's about maya*. *no actually Jayden's here but I'll send you my address* *ok great see you soon bye* *bye*
A few seconds later I hear my phone ding it was the address to Olivia's house. After about 5 minutes of driving I finally got there, I made my way to her front door and before I could knock i seen the door open up it was Jayden...ok ag just stay calm just stay calm. "Hey ag good to see you again" he said, "you too man" I said giving him a fake smile, "well I was just about to leave but Olivia is in the bathroom in case you were wondering see you around" he said as he walked past me. "Yeah see you" I walked into Olivia's house and closed the door. "Is he gone" I looked to my right and seen this kid he was peeking his head

"um yeah he just left" "ok good I don't like when he's here" he said. "What's your name kid" "Ivan" he said as he got closer to me I got down to his height and put my hand out. "Nice to meet you Ivan I'm ag" I smiled at him and he shook my hand and smiled back. "Why don't you like when Jayden comes?" "Because he's just weird he gives me a bad feeling" Ivan said. "Hey ag you got here really fast" I looked back and it was Olivia, "yeah your house is pretty close to mine" "but um can we talk now?"

Authors note
Sorry for updating so late I was gonna update yesterday but I had started school. Updates might be slow but I will try my best to put out chapters as soon as I can

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