Being chase by a Joker Reject and One of Santa's Elves

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I shouldn't have come to this house cause the next thing I know is that I am being chase by a joker reject!!!
*a few minutes earlier*
I quietly pick the door lock to this random family's house, and got in the house looking for the family. That is when I hear some muffled screams. The house had two floors, and I heard the muffled screams coming from the second floor. I can hear the muffled screams from the first floor.
"Who ever is killing them is doing a terrible job try to keep their screams muffled."
I quietly went up the stairs, and I stop as soon as I saw a figure. It is a good thing that I got some night version goggles. I quickly and quietly put on the goggles, and that figure is the most hideous thing I saw. The figure was a guy that has black obsidian hair, the whitest of white skin, has no eyelids, and has a smile cut into his cheeks. I then took the goggles of, but I lost my grip and drop the goggles. This startled the figure. I took this opportunity and started running towards one of the windows on the first floor. I could hear footsteps coming towards me at a fast pace. I almost made it to the window, but out of no where a knife flew right pass me and hit the window sill. The footsteps gotten more quicker. I then picked up the pace and jump throw the window.
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit"

*back to present time*

As soon as I jumped out the window, I started running like no tomorrow. You know that feeling when you run that you have to turn around, but at the same time you don't want to die? That is what I am feeling right now. I was pulled out of my trance when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. My first reflex was to kick the no square. And that is what I did. After I did that I started to run again.
"You fucker!!" The figure screamed at me. I yelled back, "Sorry but I ain't a mirror!!!" I was running near a hill when I lost my balance and starting to roll down the hill like a barrel.
As soon as I got to the bottom of the hill, my head hit a rock. "Shit." I said under my breath. I lift up one of my hands to see if my head is bleeding from hitting the rock. Sure enough, blood started to come out. I quickly get up and started running towards my house. While I was running, I just thought of something.
"Wait if I hit my head that hard on the rock, then how come I didn't pass out? Also, how come I didn't break a bone or something?.........I will think about that later. Right now I just need to get home!!"
As I was running to my house, I saw two figures past me. One looked like a depressed clown and I didn't get a good look on the other one. I wasn't paying attention and I ran into a tree.
"Ow!!! Fuck that hurt....."
After I ran into a tree, I ran as fast as I could and my house came into view. Not even thinking, I jump over my fence and jump threw the window. And lets just say that I already had some window shards jam into me when I jump threw the other window trying to get away from the joker reject. So now I have even more window shards in me......Just great!

Jeff POV
"That fucker will pay for this!! When I find him, I will show no mercy on him!!"
"Jeff? What happen?" I recognize that voice.
"I was killing the people in a house when I heard something drop. I look up and I see a dude running away. So I chase him. I got close to wear I pulled his arm, but he kick me in 'those parts'."
"Shut up L.J.!!" I yell.
I slowly got up and I realize that I lost the guy.
"Great I lost the fucker...." I stated in annoyance.
"Well you see we would love to stay around and chat, but we have a mission to do. Ta-Ta~." L.J. said.
And with that the clown and the other guy is gone. One thing is for sure once I get my hands on that guy, he is gonna regret kick Jeff the killer in 'that place.'

*in the morning*
I somehow fell asleep in my bedroom. After the account of running away from the figure, I decided to look him up. I slowly get out of bed, and starting putting clothes on. I only had my sport bra on along with some comfortable sweat pants and my (F/C) gloves on. I live alone and no one is able to see threw my windows.
"Before I look for information on this guy, I should probably get something to eat."
I walk out of my room and started to head to the kitchen. When I get in the kitchen I grab a carton of milk from the fridge, got the cereal box from one of my top cabinets, and a clean bowl and spoon from the dishwasher. I went over to the table, I sat down and pour my cereal in the bowl, and then I pour the milk. I picked up the spoon and was about to take my first bite until I heard a yell.
I was startled by the yell that I drop my spoon. I snapped put of my daze and I see the joker reject and one of Santa's elf.
"Noooooooo, what makes you think that.....OF COURSE I AM A GIRL!! NOW GET OUT JOKER REJECT AND SANTA ELF!!" I stated in annoyance and anger. The joker reject reach into his jacket to pull out a knife, but before one of them can kill me, I quickly grab my bowl of cereal and threw it at the joker reject and the Santa elf.
"IT BURNS!!!" The joker reject yelled, dropping his knife and his hands going to his unblinkable eyes. The Santa's little elf started to fizz and buzz like a electronic. I took this chance and run into my room. I quickly put on a dark blue hoodie, and a blue pair of tennis shoes. I then quickly went over to my bed, crouch down and got a case that has my swords and knifes. After getting up quickly I hear footsteps coming my way. I quickly open up my window and was about to jump out when I heard them.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!!!" The joker reject screamed. But it was too late, I already jumped out the window. I then ran as far away as I can.

I know I am uploading a lot but school starts tomorrow, so I am trying to get this chapter done. Also since school is starting up again, I am gonna try to upload. So sorry if I upload chapters late.😅
Word count : 1,211

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