Codename: Arcturus

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We all stand in our position in the Temple of Light.

"We can't do this alone anymore," Lloyd says.

"As long as we have all this power, they'll never stop coming for us. We can't just keep running," I say.

"From here on out, we can't let anything separate us again," Zane says.

"He's right," Jay says.

"Absolutely," Cole agrees. Man, when we got back, I thought Cole was going to break my ribs from his hug.

"Let's do this," Kai says. Lloyd strikes the bell, then grabs my hands, giving the others their powers back. I smile as we let go of one of our hands. I turned and looked at all the others.

"The Elemental Power, it's inside us," Zane says.

"Fire!" Kai says.

"Haha, anyone shocked to see me do this, huh?" Jay says.

"No dirt off my shoulder," Cole says.

"Chill out," Zane says. I laugh at the boys all using their powers.

We all went back to the city. Cole, Jay, and Nya went to the theaters, which was interesting enough after Nya caught me up on her love life drama. Which I was thrilled I didn't have, yet, or maybe ever. Who knows. Kai went off somewhere with his new roadster. Lloyd and I walked around the city, helping with the cleanup process. I look up and see our elemental symbols.

"Hey, Lloyd. They need us at headquarters," I say.

"Race you," Lloyd says as we put our helmets on and get onto our motorbikes, and drive to headquarters.

Lloyd and I stopped in front of the building and bickered over who won on our way up. We went in and saw everyone. Zane looked at us with a serious face.

"The Overlord is back. And he has Kai," Zane says.

"The Overlord?" Jay, Cole, and Nya say.

"Ughhhhh, againnn," I whined as Lloyd puts his arm around me, comforting me.

"We know they plan to launch Project Arcturus tonight. But we need to figure out what it is in order to save him. Think. Think. The answer must be right in front of us," Sensei says.

"The Overlord's dire wish is to become the Golden Master. Maybe that has something to do with it?" Lloyd says.

"But he needs the golden power, that's now separated into fire, lightning, earth, and ice and of course energy," I comment.

"Good, Lloyd and Y/n, but what sense does all of this make? What is Project Arcturus?" Sensei asks.

"I've run every combination of these clues through my database to see how they're connected, but there is no correlation," Pixal says.

"Maybe there's a reason why it's not in your database," Zane says.

"But everything in Ninjago history has been recorded inside me," Pixal says.

"Not everything. Do you remember when we followed Garmadon back in time?" Zane asks us.

"Uh, we did?" Lloyd asked.

"You don't remember, Lloyd, because when we returned to the present, it had been altered by what we had done in the past," Zane says.

"I remember, I was terrified that day because I thought we had lost Lloyd. But he also gave me a dragonmelon, which you need to teach me how to do that," I say, looking at Lloyd.

"I remember because I was there too. You used the Golden Weapons to destroy my Mega Weapon. But when they collided, they were shot into..." Garmadon starts.

"Space," Sensei finish.

"Since Lloyd and Y/n gave away their power, the Overlord's going after the only thing that can turn him into the Golden Master: the Golden Weapons," Nya says.

"Quick, where do the Serpentine study the stars," Garmadon says.

"The ancient city of Ouroboros," Zane said.

"We must go there at once," Garmadon says.

"How do you know Nindroids will be there?" Sensei questioned.

"Faith," Garmadon says.

We quickly go to Ouroboros. Once we arrived, we saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"I don't get it. Where are they?" Cole questioned.

"He said they would be here," Lloyd said.

"Well, your dad was wrong. We should have never listened to him," Jay said.

"I'm sorry, did you have an idea where they were?" I glared at him. The ground then started rumbling.

"I sense you are mistaken," Zane says to Jay as the ground starts to open.

"Everyone, run!" Cole shouts as we start to run, but still end up falling in. I landed on Lloyd.

"Sorry, Lloyd," I got off him. "Are you ok?" I asked as we got up.

"Yeah, are you ok?"

"I'm fine" I turned and saw a rocket.

"Arcturus?" Jay questioned.

"It's Kai! We need to save him!" Lloyd says, pointing out Kai, chained under a rocket thruster.

"No, we need that launch key to stop the launch command. If the Overlord gets the Golden Weapons, he'll be too powerful," Zane says.

"Stop them!" I hear Pythor shout and start to get blasted at. And ended up breaking the bridge. Making everyone fall but Lloyd and me. We quickly jumped in the doorway and climbed in just as the rest of the bridge broke.

"Too close," I say as we go to the key, only to be attacked again, Cyrus. "Oh, I hate technology!" I say as we fight the evil Cyrus. 

"Everyone, we need your help!" Lloyd says as Cyrus holds us out the doorway.

"Oh, little kids, needing help. Shouldn't have given up all that power, hmm?" Pythor says.

"Oh, stop whining, Pythor, you just hate it because you actually have to work," I say. "Don't worry, I have many ideas of torture for you," I glared.

"T-minus 30," the computer says. Cyrus then drops us, but the ninja catches us.

"We need to get back up there!" Lloyd says.

"Forget them. We need to get out of here," Cole says.

"But what about the Golden Weapons?" Lloyd asks.

"There's more pressing problems, like an entire rocket ship pressing on us!" Jay says.

"We need to do everything in our power to make sure they don't reach those weapons," Lloyd says.

"You nuts? Ninja don't belong in space," Cole says.

"Neither does the Overlord," I argue.

"I'm with Cole. This is even beyond me," Jay says.

"We have to try. You said nothing was ever going to separate us again. Well, I'm going. Are you with me or not?" Lloyd asks.

"With you all the way to the stars," I say, grabbing his hand as we all start running and getting onto the rocket.

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